Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lisbon Treaty - Local Results





Results for all constituencies from The Irish Times.


  1. Thanks!

    I looked for actual results this AM. These are the first I've seen.

  2. Moonlite,

    Sadly it was a big Yes vote nationwide. The establishment ran a huge scare campaign. The Yes side spent ten times as much as the No side. Big business, all the mainstream media and all the big political parties all campaigned for a Yes vote.

    Oh well,


  3. Rory,

    Few days ago, I found in our news something about the approval of Irish people on a the EU treaty, or something like that. I wondered; What is the importance of that piece of news to be announced on our news channels.

    I'm curious that you explain for me the importance and effects of that approval.

    Thanks in advance for my Irish friend.


  4. Mohamed,

    The Lisbon Treaty is a hugely important agreement that the European Union is trying to ratify at the moment. It streamlines the administration of the EU and contains many agreements with huge economic and defense policy implications for the whole European Union. It is a re-working of the EU Constitution that was rejected in referendums in France and Holland in 2005. Ireland was the only country to have a referendum on Lisbon and we rejected it last year. But they made us vote again this year and it passed.
    I was opposed to Lisbon because we already rejected it, because it undermines worker's rights and it undermines Ireland's traditional military neutrality by forcing us to co-operate with NATO (our spineless government does anyway, allowing hundreds of thousands of US servicemen to use Shannon Airport en-route to Iraq and Afghanistan).

    Anyway, the government, the main opposition parties, most trade unions, employer's groups and big business all campaigned for a YES vote and they got it.

    Hope this helps,


  5. Rory,

    Thanks for your satisfying answer.

    I can understand now why it's very important. It's affecting the economic and militant future of whole Europe. But I think that your approval is not enough, the approval of other European countries is essential.

    Personally, I'm very impressed by your experience in being gathered as one union. It make Europe a powerful entity that can cooperate to face all common challenges. I hope we have an Arab Union.

    Thanks again for the answer,


  6. Rory,

    This is the near future for the free men of Ireland in the face of creeping shari'a:

    "Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say, What should be the reward of such sacrifices? Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship, and plow, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"

    You're being slow-cooked by the UN/EU/OIC alliance, and you don't even realize it.

  7. Rory,

    What a wonderful and insightful entry above. Do you get this kind of hate mail often?

  8. moonlite,

    How is urging Rory to defend what remains of his Liberty "hate"? Why do you want him a slave to the State? A dhimmi under Islam?

    Hate Rory? On the contrary, I love Rory. If I hated him, I would say something like:

    "Islam is a religion of peace and the only solution for mankind. As for a European super-state? That will safeguard your liberties better than the Irish ever could, for nothing protects an individual's rights better than a massive, unaccountable, foreign bureaucracy. Freedom of speech, religion, and the right to self-defense? That's for losers!"

    Knee-jerk, reactionary moral inversion will be the death of all who indulge in it.

    Why do you defend tyranny? Why do you prefer slavery over freedom?

    Hate America and Christians all you want, but don't commit civilizational suicide.

    Don't cut off your head to spite your face.

  9. Moonlite,

    To be honest, I agree with some of what Amillennialist wrote, the bit about loving wealth better than liberty anyway, and I don't mind him dumping on the blog because to be honest I sometimes go to his blog and say nasty things. Anyway not being a Muslim I don't take his ravings too badly. Mohamed doesn't like him funnily enough.


    Why can't we all just get along? Oh yeah, it's your rabid hatred of Islam.


  10. I don't know. It still sounds kinda hateful.

    Much cheer to the efforts made for Dear Ireland. If war is soon to be at hand there, there will be a door opened wherein to wage it.

  11. moonlite,

    I don't know. It still sounds kinda hateful.

    How is defending your God-given rights to Life and Liberty "hate"?

    Much cheer to the efforts made for Dear Ireland. If war is soon to be at hand there, there will be a door opened wherein to wage it.

    That's the tragedy. That door doesn't have to be opened at all.

    Rather than inform and defend yourselves when there can be little suffering, little loss of life, you're just going to wait, attacking those warning you about the evil upon you, until there's no other option than blood in the streets.

    Where's the wisdom in that?



    "Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.

    "There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves."

    -Winston Churchill

  12. Amillennialist,

    Before I answer your questions I have a few questions of my own:

    1) Are you commenting on this post to get at Mohamed because he was here and he won't let you write comments like this on his own blog?

    2) Why is America such a big ally and trading partner of the most repressive, undemocratic, Shar'ia dominated, major Muslim country (Saudi Arabia) while such a big enemy of the relatively liberal and democratic Iran?
    (This really puzzles me, especially since most of the perpetrators of 9/11 were Saudis and none were Iranian, so it can't be anything to do with terrorism).
    (If you can give me a good answer to this question I will answer yours).

  13. Rory,

    I have known Christians who abuse family members. I have known Christians who did not believe much of the Bible, only the parts where people should be afraid of everything. That is how I was raised. There is no perfect anything on this earth. Not now.

    So, for me...Let us not say, "Doom is at hand." I am the nuclear generation telling you, "Do not be afraid for tomorrow, but pray for guidance everyday." Christians raise their children in completely the opposite way, although Christ asks this of us.

  14. Before I answer your questions I have a few questions of my own:

    You can't answer simple questions condemning evil.

    What does that say about you?

    And what do your questions below have to do with your answers?

    Avoiding taking a moral stand by engaging in distractions is not intellectually-honest, Rory.

    Are you commenting on this post to get at Mohamed because he was here and he won't let you write comments like this on his own blog?

    Looks like a case of projection, Rory.

    Just because you go out of your way to annoy others doesn't mean that I do.

    If I have something to say to Mohamed, I'll say it. I have his 'blog address, his e-mail address, and I'm a Facebook friend.

    To attribute to me that kind of immaturity -- not to mention dishonesty -- is offensive.

    Why is America such a big ally and trading partner of the most repressive, undemocratic, Shar'ia dominated, major Muslim country (Saudi Arabia) while such a big enemy of the relatively liberal and democratic Iran?

    The nationality of the terrorists means nothing, for it is their ideology, not their native soil, that motivates their barbarism.

    Mecca and Medina should have been taken out, for there is the seat of the global jihad, but all of us were ignorant of Islam on 9/11.

    Eight years out, ignorance is no longer an excuse.

    With regard to Saudi Arabia: Stupidity, ignorance, greed, consideration for allies dependent on Arabian oil.

    The massive transfer of wealth to Dar al-Islam over the last few decades has funded the resurgent jihad.

    We are financing our own demise.

    With regard to Iran: President Bush rightly opposed Iran's leadership, since they are bloodthirsty monsters with nukes. President Bush was a friend to the Iranian people, but after the domestic treason over Iraq, I assume he was hesitant to use force unless absolutely necessary.

    The current occupant of the White House is a friend to Iran's tyrants and an enemy to its people.

    When Iranians of all stripes were protesting and dying for their Liberty -- including Christians like Neda -- what was Obama doing?

    Eating ice cream.

    This really puzzles me, especially since most of the perpetrators of 9/11 were Saudis and none were Iranian

    I realize that Islamic theology is unfamiliar territory for you, but according to traditional Islam, there is only one nation, one people, and that is the world's Muslims, the ummah.

    Whether the terrorists are Arabian, Iranian, Albanian, or Pennsylvanian, the problem is Islam.

    If you can give me a good answer to this question I will answer yours

    Your capriciousness will determine whether or not you can condemn genocide, pedophilia, rape, and slavery in Allah's name?

    Shameful, Rory.

  15. Amillennialist,

    I am sick of this discussion already.

  16. Amillennialist,

    Since you do not know my children nor their treatment by others here in the US, you may not say anything about them, thank you. Obviously, you haven't read my work. Obviously, you have closed your eyes to injustice in America. President Obama has recently cautioned against injustice in his own country.

    I agree, that there is a difference between turning a blind eye from injustice or misusing power and influence and government sanctioned abuse. But, for me, the line is gray.

    I site the woman I met, who got cancer. Her husband divorced her. She worked two jobs and took care of her children. She lost her jobs and her children. She lived in shock, asking herself what she could have done differently. She survived the cancer but lost all else.

    You yell about other countrys. What do you do for your own country and its people? Huh?

  17. moonlite,

    Since you do not know my children . . . you may not say anything about them

    "your children" is a rhetorical device, not a reference to your actual children (didn't know you are a mom -- Congrats).

    nor their treatment by others here in the US

    Are they being butchered, raped, or enslaved as a matter of law, as under shari'a?

    Here's the difference between America and whatever hellholes you're defending:

    Apart from murdering the unborn, in America those who harm life and limb are punished; under shari'a, if non-Muslims, apostates, women, and little girls are violated and slaughtered in accord with Muhammad's words and example, they're lionized.

    Obviously, you haven't read my work.


    Since it's obvious I haven't read your work, and I do not know you other than the few comments I've seen, why would you think I am discussing your actual children?

    Obviously, you have closed your eyes to injustice in America.

    Obviously, you haven't read my work.

    Are your children being systematically raped, enslaved, and butchered as a matter of law?

    Then stop making that false moral equivalence. It only obfuscates for jihad.

    President Obama has recently cautioned against injustice in his own country.

    Are you referring to extortion, coercion, and tyranny over the American people?

    Do you mean betraying allies and appeasing leftist and Muslim despots?

    Do you mean receiving funding from, allying with, supporting, and defending terrorists and those with ties to terrorism?

    Do you mean the largest power-grab in American history? Enslaving future generations by tripling the cumulative national debt from George Washington to George W. Bush?

    Do you mean bankrupting and disarming the Republic, humanity's greatest hope for Liberty in this life?

    That's all him.

    Coming from the guy who at taxpayer expense stays in $1200/night hotel rooms, spends millions of dollars to take his spouse out to dinner, and seeks to impose on us and our children tyrannical and murderous degradations in health care but refuses such for himself and his own, you can say one thing: At least Obama has a sense of irony, even if its' perverse and cruel.

    I agree, that there is a difference between turning a blind eye from injustice or misusing power and influence and government sanctioned abuse. But, for me, the line is gray.

    The distinction between the freedom to live as one chooses, on one's own merits and systemic, "sanctified" genocide, pedophilia, rape, torture, and religious and gender persecution is "gray" to you?

    What does that say about your moral clarity?

    I site the woman I met, who got cancer.

    Whose fault was that?

    Her husband divorced her.

    Whose fault was that?

    She worked two jobs and took care of her children. She lost her jobs and her children.

    Whose fault was that?

    She . . . lost all else.

    Whose fault was that?

    You yell about other countrys. What do you do for your own country and its people? Huh?

    I "yell" about the genocide, rape, and slavery of non-Muslims around the globe in the name of a demon.

    Why don't you? Huh?

    I "yell" about governmental tyranny, elected officials making slaves of free men, bankrupting and disarming the Republic.

    Why don't you? Huh?

    I "yell" to save souls from hell and from hell on Earth.

    Why don't you? Huh?

    Why are you content to be a slave and to make slaves of others? Huh?

    Why do you hate freedom so much that you'd obfuscate for the Religion from hell? Huh?

  18. Amillennialist,

    Words from a person who claims to know.

    You think you have more brains and more humanity than I have. Thank you for being so revealing.

  19. moonlite,

    Words from a person who claims to know.

    You think you have more brains and more humanity than I have. Thank you for being so revealing.

    Pointing out the logical fallacies that you employ (unintentionally, I do not doubt) when addressing Islam is not "thinking I have more brains and humanity than you."

    Pointing out that your moral exemplar Obama is the most destructive man to ever occupy the White House is not "thinking I have more brains and humanity than you."

    Pointing out the titanic moral gulf between "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" and "kill the pagans wherever you find them . . . Fight against . . . the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] until they feel themselves subdued and pay the jizya . . . If anyone changes his religion, then kill him . . . beat your wives . . . the Prophet consummated his marriage with me in my mother's house when I was nine-years-old" is not "thinking I have more brains and humanity than you."

    Pointing out the hypocrisy and ignorance of your false ad hominem attack against me using your own rhetorical device is not "thinking I have more brains and humanity than you."

    I do not believe that I am better or smarter than you.

    However, the truth must be told. Our civilization must endure, for it is the best hope for mankind to be found in this world.

    If we follow your and Rory's logic, we'll be demonizing, marginalizing, and ostracizing those who believe that all people possess the God-given rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness in defense of those employing all means necessary -- including violence -- in order to establish a global government which "sacralizes" genocide, pedophilia, rape, torture, mutilation, slavery, extortion, and religious and gender apartheid.

    Do you want your children free or slaves?

  20. Amillennialist,

    What are you proposing?

  21. a peaceful solution to your strong condemnations.

  22. I think Amillenialist should redirect himself to the Daily Telegraph website, where he will be much more at home.

    As for Islamism. It was good upstanding capitalist Christians like him who provided the weapons, training, support and credibility for the mujihadeen in the first place.

  23. Hi Garibaldy,

    I wish Amillenialist would re-direct himself somewhere...


  24. Amillenialist, Garibaldy,

    This could turn into one of the famous debates that prudish old SNAKEHUNTERS loves!!!

