Sunday, June 20, 2010

Only a game?

The English take the World Cup seriously. This is a lovely picture of England football manager Fabio Capello during England's 0-0 draw with Algeria the other night. (Click on image to view detail).

On the far right is goalkeeper Rob Green, relegated to the bench after his monumental fuck-up cost England what would have been an undeserved win against the United States. He seems to have the face of a man who knows his life is ruined already, hopefully his loved ones are looking for a good therapist.

The three boys on the right look pretty tense too, unlike Green they are at risk of being asked to go out and play. They look like they would rather be somewhere, anywhere else.

Capello is upset because his players, none more so than star striker and Shrek look-alike Wayne Rooney seem to have forgotten how to play football. Here's a picture of Rooney telling the TV cameras what he thinks of the England supporters after they booed them off the pitch. He has since apologized.

While the team may not be very entertaining, the hysterical media reaction to their lack-lustre performance surely is. They seem to take no comfort from the fact that the French team is playing and behaving even worse than their own.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Daddy, get the pressure washer on this one.

The official USA Father's Day is 06/20/2010 for the year, 2008 year...2010 year. But, I'm in to Father's Day today, so Happy future Father's Day to you men.

Me? I was too young to remember the actual presence of Dad. I think he was whisked away in a sailing vessel right after my conception...may be. Daddy did give me my name, which has caused many a worrisome note from people, who are certain I'm Jewish. Also, some think I'm Native American from my thick hair. And...some call me comrade or commie, because I naively speak to communists.

Therefore I shall tatter on with wisdom passed on to me from the Irish, my mommy's side.

~here is where I pull from memories~

Momma gave me the famous Irish headshake and the secret society of the Irish rulebook at age 11, while I was incarcerated for being homeless and allowed two visits from her.

~here's some chips. want a bite of my day old sweet roll?~

About being Irish, always smoke properly like a lady, and when your done, place the spent remainder securely in arms reach . She was really cute about that.

One famous Irish told me, that Irish songs and poems belong in bars. So I learned to read sheet music early on.

My Irish high school sweetheart taught me that going to formal dances includes plenty of fasteners connecting your gown to your undergarments. He was a good man. We broke-up on prom night.

Any darker secrets you'll have to get from Rory, the blog administrator.

Give us here at Blog 'O Blogs the story of your father or mother, if you'd like. We'd love to read about it and get to know you better. I know I would.

Happy Father's Day month.

2nd Sunday in June

Happy Father's Day Men.

~at least, I think it's Father's Day in the US.~
