Sunday, June 20, 2010

Only a game?

The English take the World Cup seriously. This is a lovely picture of England football manager Fabio Capello during England's 0-0 draw with Algeria the other night. (Click on image to view detail).

On the far right is goalkeeper Rob Green, relegated to the bench after his monumental fuck-up cost England what would have been an undeserved win against the United States. He seems to have the face of a man who knows his life is ruined already, hopefully his loved ones are looking for a good therapist.

The three boys on the right look pretty tense too, unlike Green they are at risk of being asked to go out and play. They look like they would rather be somewhere, anywhere else.

Capello is upset because his players, none more so than star striker and Shrek look-alike Wayne Rooney seem to have forgotten how to play football. Here's a picture of Rooney telling the TV cameras what he thinks of the England supporters after they booed them off the pitch. He has since apologized.

While the team may not be very entertaining, the hysterical media reaction to their lack-lustre performance surely is. They seem to take no comfort from the fact that the French team is playing and behaving even worse than their own.


  1. Brilliant picture. I wonder will Colm Bonner have the same expression when psyching up the Wexford hurlers. Nice new lay out to the blog

  2. Hi John,

    I doubt if Colm bonner has the same pressure of expectation on him as Capello Promotion to Division 1 of the National League was a pleasent surprise, personally I would be astonished if we beat Tipperary.


  3. Rory,

    Congratulation for..
    a) Your return to blogging.
    b) The cool new look for the blog. :)

    I believe this World Cup will have much more surprises than we expect. Most of the teams are not playing according to their normal level. I don't know, but maybe it will end by the cup in the hands of a team that didn't win it before.

  4. Hi Mohamed,

    Thanks for the congratualtions, I am still very unsure about blogging but felt I ought to say something.

    There have been some interesting results in the world cup but I think the usual big teams will come through in the end.

    If I were to bet, I'd say Brazil would win again, but of the countries that have never won before, Spain, Holland and Portugal look like they have a chance.

    I was hoping to see an African country do well but that dosn't seem to be happening.


  5. Rory - I like the title..Only A Game. That precisely echos my sentiment about Pro-Sports.
    It's fine as a deversion from grim news of war, as long as it isn't the total focus of adults.

    The S/H Post is offering a bumper-sticker in exchange for a Postage Stamp...

    * Peace - Through Strength! *

    Write to:

    SnakeHunter Headquarters
    P.O. Box 4042
    Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Zip 37831

    We'll do our best to get it to
    your Mail Address pronto! - reb


  6. Reb,

    Alas, I have no bumper and no US postage stamp. Be careful you aren't exposing the staff at Snakehunters HQ to letterbomb or anthrax attack!

    I hope you are taking pride in the success of your international association football team in South Africa. They are very well organisze and highly motivated, a credit to their coach Bob Bradley.


  7. Rory - Since I am an admirer of any Irishman
    with the courage of their convictions, and like
    your "freedom of speech" policy on BlogOfBlogs;
    I'll forego postage, and send your *PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH* bumper-sticker (that can be Scotch-taped to the rear-window of your vehicle) you at zero cost. Just provide an address via our S/H Comment Section, or to:

    SnakeHunter Headquarters
    P.O. Box 4042
    Oak Ridge, TN (zip) 37831

    (** Special Security Precautions Are In Place At The Above Mailing Address; but thanks for your concern.)


  8. UU,

    I thought the whole debacle of the FR soccer team was hilarious. Soccer/football has become a ridiculous money-making machine, at least here in France, but I suspect in other countries as well.

    I see you're still plagued by the mother of all assholes, Snake Hunters. Maybe I should lend you Stiletto for a while, she'll kick the shit out of his smelly ass in no time at all. It does work, I promise: he doesn't dare drag his stinky ass on PP; typical chickenshit veteran windbag.

    I must give you a ring again one of these days. And to Ann too. Glad youse 2 are joining forces in the blogging scene. She's one hell of a nice woman. Plus, she has a great voice and accent, lol.

    PS: you still on Skype? Just asking cuz I never see you on-line there.


  9. .
    I've met quite a few "characters" in my life, and one of the most memorable was a guy I first knew as "Buddy Rose"; he was well-know during the hippie generation of the '50's, from San Francisco to the Mojave Desert. In the late 1940's a song about Buddy, was written by Eden Ahbez...'Nature Boy', and recorded by the great Nat King Cole..It's still available.

    I had some interesting discussions with Buddy Rose* his real name was Izzac Rosensweigh *the last name translated to "Branch-of-Roses".

    Buddy offered this advise: "Avoid Negativity -
    stay away from all hallucinogens, and negative
    people - Maintain Your Own Self-hood - Defend your family, and your country, with your life!"

    Buddy died at 99..He always exhibited a unique common sense, ate healthy food, and had an abundance of what he called "Positive Energy".


  10. Here's a Thought for Smart-Ass Pimps & Aging Prostitutes...

    Read Kipling's 'The Vampire'
    ___ ___

    A fool there was and he made his prayer
    (Even as you and I)
    To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair
    (We called her the woman who didn't care)
    But the fool, he called her his lady fair...

    Oh, the years we waste, and the tears we waste
    And the work of our head and hand,
    (And now we know that she never could know)
    And did not understand..etc, etc

    Search Wikipedia for the conclusion. - reb

  11. On Pimps & Their Ladies -

    Moonlitetwine has a post on a 13 yr old lured into "the business" by an older man. She worked
    for this sleaze-ball for three years, then she killed him, and was sentenced to life in prison for murdering her predator-pimp. This young lady aged fast, and she got a raw deal from the legal
    system - Peddling human flesh is as old as the hills! - What do you think? - reb

  12. Rory -

    Thoughts on Pro-Sports and the the ghoulish
    Gambling Business that feeds on the Chump Fans.

    It's another sleazy business..Gaming! If you knew
    how the SportsBook "Plays the Odds", and occasionally puts the "fix" on, by bribing a key
    player, then makes a million "betting short", and the week-end macho gambler always loses!

    It's done all the time in football & baseball, also pro-boxing, where the heavy-hitter "takes a dive", and any other pro-sport that draws huge crowds.

    "There's a sucker born every minute, and two to take him." - P.T. Barnum

  13. Mohamed - I very much liked your post entitled:


    and I'd appreciate it if you could shorten it just a little for my Comment Section; "moderate" views of the Islamic faith are too few, and need
    publication, if there is to be any real peace in the Middle East, and in Europe and the U.S.A.


  14. Minutes ago, I posted this on SnakeHunters:
    FREEDOM OF SPEECH & guaranteed in our 1st Amendment, and this is what I'd like here in our Comment Section, where all political views are welcomed, including Republican, Democrat, Socialist/Progressive, Conservative, Boston Tea-Party, Libertarian & Peaceniks can ALL have an equal opportunity to expound their viewpoints.

    This is what freedom is all about, and Christian,
    Hundu, Muslim & Jew are also welcomed.

    However, this is a "moderated access channel" where nasty reviles..and dirty language IS prohibited.
    Please be concise, with a 500 word maximum.



  15. Looks like chickenshit Snake Hunters has verbal diarrhea again: 5 comments in a row.

    Or maybe it's just he likes hearing himself talk so much he can't get enough of it.

  16. whynot be classy?

    there are a lot of irish here in boston

  17. Well, here we have three positive "contributors"
    with nothing to say, and one negative pin-head, so there's not much action here.

    So, it's Adios, Amigos! - reb

  18. Snake,

    Goodbye, pinhead. See ya on PP. That is if and when you find your testicles.

  19. Rory - I had hoped to say farewell to your BlogOfBlogs for a few months until November 2nd,
    then, damned if Loop Garoo did show up on my eMail, and said a few insulting things... about "Right-Wing Extremist Twaddle", so I was forced to answer him - not with an eMail - but in Comments, where his friends can see his Left-of-Center nonsense!

    So, I threw a challenge in his face, and wonder if he'll accept it? He's says he wants to say goodbye to all of it, including S/H blog AND PourquesPass too! Because he's a lawyer, I can't trust anything Loop Garoo spouts; half of those lawyers use deception and bald-faced lies, when the Truth will serve them Better! So, I laid it on pretty thick, hoping he'll sue me! - It's not necessary to place a comment, but just for drill, have a look..I nailed his donkey-tail !


  20. Snake fucker,

    I know TLGK personally. While he and I differ quite significantly when it comes to political views, we respect and get on with each others just fine.

    He is intelligent, well informed, and fairly impartial in his assessments.

    In other words, he is the total opposite to a fanatical muslim hater, warmongerer fuckhead such as you are.

    On another note, you might be thrilled to know that I have occasional voice conversations with Rory, who is in my opinion a really cool dude, and regular voice conversations (read: once a week on average) with Moonlitetwine, who is one of the most wonderful women I ever met.

    Lastly, although I might be slightly extrapolating here, I think it would be safe to say they both think you're the MOTHER OF ALL MOTHERFUCKERS. Or CUNTS, whichever eptithet you think describes you best.

  21. Rory, Moonlitetwine, & Mohamed:

    It's your blog, and you have a perfect right to allow any toilet-mouth or sh**stirrer to dirty up
    the carpet & furnishings..of an otherwise respectable website; it's really a matter of choice.

    I prefer "comment moderation" where logical men, women and children are all welcomed. - reb

  22. Snake Cunter Reb,

    "I prefer "comment moderation" where logical men, women and children are all welcomed. - reb

    errr... you mean ... "I prefer censorship which prevents all logical men, women and children from expressing themselves"?

    Heil Fuhrer Snake Cunt!!!

  23. Oh, Whatta World. Is this a
    sampling of God's creation?


  24. WhyNot,

    "I prefer censorship which prevents all logical men, women and children from expressing themselves"

    LOLLL, this is so true: the last time I tried to post something on his horrible racist fascist blog, he blocked my comment, and posted a comment saying:

    "Valerie - Your comments are purposely withheld from publication. This weblog is an Information Channel, where (a) Iran is close to developing a nuclear capability, and (b) the Saudi Oil Wealth is building mosques & madrassa all over Europe & North America, and (c) in four months the U.S. citizens will decide which Party will control the House & Senate!"

    Information channel? LOLLLLLLLLLL? The only people who read his information are him and himself when he comments either under "Snake hunters" or "Anonymous" and still signs "Reb" at the end.

    The last 10 comments are by him. He must need to "inform" himself a lot, LOLLLL.


    "so don’t let your dog watch it or he may start humping your leg!"

    Lol. Rex knows better than trying this with me - he doesn't want to be kicked in the balls.

  25. Valérie,

    "The last 10 comments are by him. He must need to "inform" himself a lot, LOLLLL."

    I guess the poor dude has lost his dick and is looking for an "Information Channel" to find a second-hand one.

  26. Valerie - It's true that I do enjoy informing the unaware; I'd bet a dollar to a dime you missed this one, out of Beirut:

    July 4, 2010 - >

    Grand Ayatollah Dies on America's Birthdate!
    bassern mroue, AssocPress/zeina karam, AP

    The spiritual leader (and claimed moderate)

    Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah

    dies in Beirut, Lebanon, and the Hezbullah Terrorists are overwhelmed with grief!
    Now, this rascal will have some explaining to do
    before he gets passed those pearly his alloted share of perpetual virgins! - reb

  27. (Yawn..same gutter language)

    "...Full of Sound & Fury,
    Signifying Nothing."
    ___ ___

  28. I count 9 inane comments (!) from the leader of a salacious, and largely irrelevant high-traffic weblog.
    ___ ___

    My Neighbor Nancy is a bird-watcher; she has 'seed-feeders' and a stone bird-bath...
    and in the hot-summer months, she refills it with a garden hose every second day. Her birds get a sip of water, splash in it, and having tiny bird-brains, they also poop in it.

    I observe some people that behave in a similar fashion--on their home territory, and also when they visit, and comment on other blogs! - reb

  29. Snake fucker,

    "I observe some people that behave in a similar fashion--on their home territory, and also when they visit, and comment on other blogs! - reb"

    Poor Reb, it must be so embarrassing for you. But you know, you shouldn't be too hard on yourself: in comes with old age. My grandma used to shit in her panties too.

    Have you considered wearing nappies?

  30. Rory, Mohamed! That crude pin-head is
    still fouling up your nice home...

    It's time to get several bars of Lye Soap
    & a few scrub brushes, and a 5-gallon drum
    of Industrial-strength Disinfectant!!
    P.S. Wear some breathing masks. Good luck;
    see you in a week or two. Whew! - reb


  31. The Pin.head comes up with an interesting point:
    In reading the Holy Qur'an, it's the Muslim culture that stifles female education, often puts them in peek-a-boo black bags (burkha) and often buries a young lady standing upright, waist-deep, and crushes the skull with big rocks.

    Grim stuff!

    Behold, the very public Iranian Stonings & hangings, for "misbehavior".. Creepie Ahamdinejad defends it; Gr. Ayatollah Ali Khomenei permits it!

    Not in Egypt, mind you; these are "moderate" muslims, and condemn such evil..Right?
    Here's an idea for the articulate men here to consider: Add the Toilet-mouthed Pin.head-In-Chief -- > as a permanent staff-member, and also a "Contributor", and watch Mohamed Fadly bail out fast; he doesn't like crude reviles..cuz he's an educated Muslim. - reb

  32. Fact: BlogOfBlogs is Rory Stafford's Creation, he's the boss, and it's his primary goal to promote Socialism. Therefore, I Recognize Rory as the Blog-master of This Domain; the others are "Guest Contributors". If Rory pleases, he can
    add logical people with advanced skills..or he has the option of encouraging a crude person to join his staff, ergo it signals a turning-point
    for BlogOfBlogs --

    It's Decision Time..Favoring Intellectual Advancement & Stimulating Discussion..or, as we have seen, the bottom of a septic tank!
    As to Moonlitetwine, she appears to be a gentle person, enjoys poetry, and she has a dormant not a dominant figure-head here in Rory's Domain. - reb

  33. Snake fucker,

    "Fact: BlogOfBlogs is Rory Stafford's Creation"

    Since when is publicly calling people by their full name in the blogosphere considered cool (unless they chose to do so themselves)? Where have you been brought up? In a sewer?

    "As to Moonlitetwine, she appears to be a gentle person, enjoys poetry, and she has a dormant not a dominant figure-head here in Rory's Domain"

    She's not a domninant figure because she doesn't have a working computer, fuckhead - which is the same reason why her personal blog is at a stand still.

    Now, if you want to do the right thing and help an American fellow citizen, feel free to send her some money so that she can buy herself a second-hand PC. She already has a working phone line (which is how her and I keep in touch - I call her long distance from France regularly), so all she needs is a PC.

  34. PS: As to Rory encouraging me to join his publishing members staff, what the fuck for? I have no desire to publish articles here, I'm happy to be just a humble participant in the comment section.

    Finding the time to publish a new article on my own blog is already a challenge, and I often ask Stiletto if she could get off her (extremely cute) ass and publish something new - mostly because some ppl complain that when there are 700+ comments, it can get really sluggish to load.

  35. * No desire to publish here.. Rory must appreciate that comment!
    * The man says he's a humble participant!
    * Suggests that this old man send the lady a Gift!
    * Rory has also published a Wexford address!
    * LoopieG enjoys slumming/commenting; his choice.
    * Midnight..time for an Apricot Brandy. Gdnite All.


  36. Snake fucker,

    "Midnight..time for an Apricot Brandy. Gdnite All."

    Wise move: might as well kill what's left of the few neuron cells that are still struggling to survive in that chimp brain of yours.

    Nightie night - don't forget to put on your triple layer nappy.

  37. Whynot,

    "Nightie night - don't forget to put on your triple layer nappy."

    LOLLLLLLLL, poor Snake Hunter, the Big Master of Censorship, he can't censor you and me here like he does on his racist fascist blog. It must be so frustrating for him!

    This Moonlighttwine woman sounds interesting. I hope she comes to visit PP.

  38. Whynot,

    "Nightie night - don't forget to put on your triple layer nappy."

    LOLLLLLLLL, poor Snake Hunter, the Big Master of Censorship, he can't censor you and me here like he does on his racist fascist blog, because I dared making aquaintance with TLGK.

    It must be so frustrating for him!

    This Moonlitetwine woman sounds interesting. I hope she comes to visit PP.

  39. Yes! As you two clowns can see, there's still enough active brain cells left to leave you mumbling sweet, inane vulgarities to each other on that PorkyPas Channel* - reb

  40. RORY - IF this blog is still your domain..I only have one question; Months ago you said that you found a way to get off the cigarettes.

    Well, I've smoked tobacco since I was 12 yrs old, and tried a half-dozen times to quit. Like most, it keeps me on edge to stop, so like a damn fool, I keep buying another carton. When I was a kid, I could buy camels or lucky strike for 10 it's Four Buck a Pack!

    Q. - Are you still off cigarettes, or not? I'd appreciate a straight answer..if your system works, I'll try it. - reb

  41. Snake fucker,

    "if your system works, I'll try it. - reb"

    Try smoking your smelly cock (or what's left of it). There are suggestions among scientific experiments that smoking old rotten fascist penises cures the smoking addiction instantly.


    "This Moonlitetwine woman sounds interesting. I hope she comes to visit PP"

    She is more than just "interesting", she is a wonderful woman struggling against the gross inequities of our western world societies (supposedly to be "not so bad" and allow anyone, however financially unfortunate, to have access to the basic necessities of life).

    As far as "visiting PP"... like the old FR saying goes "tomorrow ain't yesterday" - which can losely be translated into EN as "yeah sure... when pigs fly".

    No computer ==> no internet access ==> no visiting blogs. But her telephone is working and I talk to her several times a week.

  42. WhyNot,

    Oh I am sorry to hear the Moonlitewine has no computer, I was wondering why she had not been active, can you send her my regards next time you are talking to her? Thanks.

    I'm sitting on the fence for the debate you and Reb have been having but must say I did LOL and few times catching up on the comments this morning.


    Sadly I only stayed off the ciggarettes for 2 months, but I do smoke a lot less now than I did before I gave up (down from 20+ a day to 15 or less). I gave up by reading a book called "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" by Allen Carr. I would reccomend it, his method has a 95% success rate and is enjoayable.

    The reason I went back smoking was I was caught off guard and offered a smoke on a joint. This has been my downfall on all 3 of my serious attempts to quit. Next time I will be more careful.

    I had to delete the post on quitting smoking as I was uncomfortable about some of the stuff I revealed about myself in the comments section.


    Well done on successfully predicting the fact that there would be a new country winning the world cup.

    I see from the Irish Times that Paul the Octopus in Germany has become a figure of hate after he predicted correctly that Spain would beat Germany.

    I just got my dog to predict the result of the final. Yogi the Dog and Paul the Octopus both agree that Spain are going to win the World Cup.


  43. Moonlitetwine suffering those "gross inequities" in the U.S., may eventually move to Paris, or perhaps to a Muslim country, where Shari'a Law respects ladies, and supports "women's rights".. where inequities are non-existant, and peace reigns supreme, forever and ever.

    Just follow the yellow brick road! - reb
    ___ ___

  44. Rory - It's sad that Moonlite Lady is off-line; perhaps her friends could "pass the hat around"
    among the fine people at P.P., I don't know the
    lady, but she also has my sympathy.

    Your reference to "the debate" is puzzling; in the 49 comments..I see no evidence of debate. The man from PorkyPas lacks the verbal skills required for formal debate or even civil, casual conversation. All we see from him here on BofB is crude insult and worthless toilet-talk.

    The same is true for Valerie..more name-calling.
    Racist! Fascist, etc - I seriously doubt that the lady can even precisely define a Fascist, or
    fascism - ergo, she's another P.P. Pinhead.

    Without Rory and Mohamed's input, time's-a- wastin'..this place is a dry and lifeless desert.


  45. Rory,

    "Oh I am sorry to hear the Moonlitewine has no computer, I was wondering why she had not been active, can you send her my regards next time you are talking to her? Thanks."

    Just got off the phone with her - ringing long distance France-USA. I read her out loud the latest comments here on your blog - including those of the fascist pig Snake Cunter - about whom we had a good laugh.

    So, for the moment, she's still struggling along with Internet connections and working computers.

  46. Toilet-Mouth is still the silly voice here - Sad.
    I'm gone for a bit; hoping for a substantive change. - reb

  47. "Only A Game"...What Game?

    Eight Days, 3 Official Contributors, plus a Pinhead with a dirty mouth -- and NOTHING!
    No Hits, no runs, no errors...No Fans!

    Not even a 7th inning stretch; Ya can't
    sell Beer & Hot-dogs to an Empty Stadium!


  48. Snake sodomizer,

    "Ya can't sell Beer & Hot-dogs to an Empty Stadium!"

    Yeah, sums up you and your blog pretty good. Talking to yourself all the time there, trying to make it look "busy".

    Man, in spite of your age and the leniency one might feel enclined to have for decaying brain cells like yours, I have to be blunt and say you stink something fierce.

    Snake hunter blog... where 90% of comments are from Snake Fucker himself. ROFLOLLLL!

    But don't get discouraged: you're an endless "rolling on the floor laughing" source for me, Ann, Valérie, Stiletto, Bonbon, and even my cats.
    Not many clowns in the world manage that kind of near-universal appraisal.

  49. Attention Pinheads! - About my age, I'm not really old, just chronologically gifted; but when I eat out lately, the buzzards ask me for money up front...but I don't sit around whining about my arthritis..I just keep on commenting.. find a worthy opponent.

    Alas, Nothing Here. Poor BlogOfBlogs..where's Rory and Mohamed? This place is a dry wasteland of laughing hyenas & hee-haw donkeys..without them!

    ___ ___

  50. Listen-Up Snot-heads!

    Your foul-mouthed leader..the one that trained you to call people names, like "racist-fascist-zenophobic" so full-of-it..he could easily choke on his own excrement!
    If that should happen, you inane minions could be in serious trouble...learning blind-hatred is just not a healthy, think about it.
    Imagine the panic..a leaderless gaggle of silly-birds, flying into buildings..bumping into each chaos in your isolated flock!
    If this should happen..immediately call Denver, Colorado for Loopi-Garoo-sum..He is well- spoken..and less inclined to use gutter language...he's a genuine member of the bar.
    and he might save your bacon at PorkyPas! - reb
    ___ ___

  51. By the way, Snake Kunt,

    Get yourself a dictionary and learn how to spell: it isn't "zenophobic", it's "xenophobic".

  52. By the way, pinhead...

    The mis-spelled word is a misdemeanor, a mild sin; whereas, (a) Taquiyya is 'purposeful deception'...

    and (b) 'Self-deception' is perhaps...among the two greatest evils of all! - reb

  53. Mr Pinhead - Grow Up...

    Stop Smoking Your House Plants! - reb
    ___ ___

  54. Note: The people that bother reading WN's inane, vulgar stuff probably already realize that Mr Pinhead does not have a "personal profile" on his PP blog-site..he prefers to hide it, using his lady-friends (Stiletto & Kristina) to front for him...

    Not cool, Pinhead! - reb
    ___ ___

  55. Pinhead - I've seen the quality of comments on your Porky Pas Blog, and so has the intelligent Mohamed..I don't see Mohamed's comment there; perhaps he doesn't want his good name in your foul, smelly toilet. Now, that should tell you something...You're a dim bulb, Bozo!
    I really believe you need some new people there;

    So, I've decided to advertise your stuff on S/H
    and perhaps you may get lucky. It's a freebie, just to help you out. Have a look at August 1st,'s just under 'Two Billionaires' - reb
    ___ ___

  56. Snake Fucker,

    "I don't see Mohamed's comment there; perhaps he doesn't want his good name in your foul, smelly toilet. Now, that should tell you something...You're a dim bulb, Bozo!"

    Lol. Yes, what it tells me is that I don't know Mohamed and he doesn't know me, fuckhead. I'd have thought a 1 year old baby chimpanzee could have worked that out, but of course Reb-the- 10th-division-mountain-Nazi has managed to get a chimp brain replacement.

    "So, I've decided to advertise your stuff on S/H
    and perhaps you may get lucky. It's a freebie, just to help you out.

    Lol. How kind of you. Well, no need, really: see unlike your lame blog where Snake Fucker is just about the only participant in the comments section, PP has a wide range of commenters, mostly from USA, France and Russia, but occasionally from Australia too.

    As well, PP regularly scores over 500+ comments on any given article in the space of a few weeks, whereas Snake Fucker's blog doesn't even dare numbering his pityfully low comment count.

    Time for another nappie change Snake Fuck, honestly you stink so bad I can smell it from Europe!

  57. Pinhead - Don't you find it curious that Mohamed
    is listed as a "Contributor" here, and ignores you, doesn't want to discuss anything with you,
    will not answer your feeble attempts on his weblog..or here, and never visits Porky Pas?

    You say you "don't know Mohamed" then why did you
    recently post a comment on Understanding Islam?
    Mohamed has seen your foul stuff, and wisely avoids contact with you, and your sick playmates!

    ___ ___

  58. Yes, I've noticed the erudition in the 'content of character' in those dippy comments; whew, sicko!...I don't see any of them here, or on Understanding Islam Blog. Not all of them have masters or phd's...TLGK says you're sixty yrs old!, when do you expect to achieve a gram of maturity, Pinhead?

    The next time you phone Denver, describe Kristina's 3 degrees for him, he's a curious lad.

    ___ ___

  59. No Pinhead. You phone Loop Garoo and repeat that outrageous lie about Kristina's 3 phd's!
    Did our Free Ad for PorkyPas help your comment section yet? The I.Q.'s there certainly need some
    pumping up, some outside assistance from those 'racists' & "xenophobes"..Hah! - reb

  60. Poor, sad little pin-head..lying about his close
    relationship with Loop-Garoo. Why do that? Now, he has difficulty spelling D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.

    Then Try: tu.quo.que! Ask Valerie to help you with a paper-cone (for your pin-head) and a nice, big glass of Iced Kool-Aid! - reb
    ___ ___

  61. Alas, Poor Rory!

    He said he would never delete his "freedom of speech" blog; but someone did, from August 7th
    to 22nd! Did that toilet-mouthed pimp get control
    for a few hours? I don't see his name listed as a "contributor". - reb
    ___ ___

  62. Reb,

    I seldom go online anymore but I can assure you I dd not delete the blog.


  63. Hi Rory! - I never sugggested that you momentarily withheld..or deleted anything.
    I believe that you and Mohamed are, to a large degree, principled and honest men of integrity.

    I'd like to believe that Mohamed has a promising future in something other than Shari'a Law.
    As I type this, the last two dates are August 24th and 25th. Someone here is messing with the sequence to alter continuity...and 26th date is
    currently missing! Not that it matters, it's your
    blog, your problem.

    P.S. I've cut smoking down to half-a-pack, not that anyone here should give a hoot. Also, Congrats to Mohamed; he's getting in some good stories, until the pin-head shows up with his foul, chronic negativity.

    Be of good cheer. - reb
    ___ ___

  64. Rory, go online and learn about the only 6 on 6 girls' basketball league in the US. Iowa's 6 on 6 conference statewide league.

    It's legendary. And, Iowa is still after 60 years the only state with a girls high school conference, formed during those glory years of any girl can play basketball. And it was only a game and way to come to commune.
