Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween - A Song for a Dead Man

The Ballad of King Boz

Words, Music and images by Alan, Rory,Yogi

Thanks to Blue Moose, Mary, Ady, St. Senan's, the Cornmarket Project and Dermot F for support.
Copyright Fire Horses (A.Butler, R.Stafford) October 2009


  1. Rory,
    I can't read, "Fire Horses". My brain won't do it. My eyes don't like the lower-case R. I don't want to fire horses. Give horses jobs! They sweat so much.

    I sure envy you not living in the USA. This place wants you to believe such utter lies, and for no gain to themselves, just to bombard you, and they are not talking to you. They are talking to little snitches and traitors, anyone around you who can desert you and murder you. It's no use to talk to you. You're a lost cause. Let's see if we can reach anyone nearby in order to get a case going against you.

    Thank you for a view inside your little house. Don't let anybody break it up. You look like victims for someone to come by and say, "Weed is fine, but you really need to fire horse, and I have some." Heeeeey, is that what they did? Maybe you ought to name the group "Fires Horse." jk

    You don't know how lucky you are I am telling you. I have the TV on, and they are always interviewing soldiers' opinions who've had there fucking leg blown off. They really know stuff. I'd just like them for once to roll their wheelchair over the flag. Who could blame them? I hate these troop numbers, now five figures, going to six in two years. England's not really in this war, is it?

    Nice dragon. Good shot of the dogs. I actually have a former friend who was never really a good friend, because people are always following their dreams, and dreams dictating you leave California are stupid. So, all the unpleasantness remained, and the good just receded further and further back. You are 20 to 30, and the guitar-playing and the bachelor life are okay. Jeff is 57, and sitting through another drunk banjo-and-guitar session from him on Skype just tore it for me. He starts out, "We're a little drunk", but I will beat the fuck out of you for that. I'll tell you what: I didn't do you any favors by not beating you up when we were young. So, drunk that he is, or child that he is, he wants to go, "I beat you up and if you don't like it, bring it. I'm here." I'll hire somebody to beat you up. I'm not proud. I just need your ass kicked, and I will save every penny until I can afford it. Hey, Rory, will you go up to Sweden and beat this old man within an inch of his life? Don't let him talk to you, and I don't want to suddenly hear that the group is now Six Horses, banjo added. SEB
