Friday, October 30, 2009

Book Review of World Made By Hand A Novel By James Howard Kunstler, written as an open e-mail to the author.

Greetings Mr. Kunstler,

I finally got to read 'World Made by Hand', I had to wait for my library to stock it (I asked them to buy a copy several months ago, I can't afford to buy novels, it's been several years since I've read a novel, (I read a lot of non-fiction).
Getting the library to buy it was good for you, good for me, good for the library and good for the rest of the underclass who can't afford to buy novels).

The long-awaited book finally came and a nice little potboiler it is too. I read it in a day, so it was engaging, entertaining. Not what I'd expected, less 'Little House on the Prairie', more action-adventure. But what a lot of eating and drinking goes on during the book! I kept getting hungry and thirsty, going for snacks and craving glasses of cider! I did not expect 'food pornography' (A term myself and a few colleagues invented to describe the utterances of a talk radio jock over here who's a bit of a gourmet, around Christmas time he starts salivating through the radio over entrees such as'Turkeys stuffed with ducks, stuffed with quail').

I was glad you weren't too hard on Wayne Karp and his tattooed underclass. I was afraid I would find myself throwing the book across the room in disgust before the end. But Mr Earle and Brother Jobe showed some restraint, even a little empathy perhaps?

Anyway I look forward to the sequel and the challenge of persuading my local library to buy it, for the benefit of me, you and the knowledge hungry Wexford Underclass.

B.T.W, I still enjoy your blog but don't bother to comment. The comments section is just too off subject, too many trolls.

Rory Stafford (Urban_Underclass), Wexford, Ireland

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Check out Mr.Kunstlers blog:
Clusterfuck nation


  1. Hello Under_Class,

    Isn't it nice to find good writers on the internet?

    This book you mention, "World Made By Hand", is almost like historical fiction. And, it is phrased so as to make it accessible to the pre-teen audience, thus making it a good choice for English or Reading teachers of that age group.

  2. Moonlite,

    I agree totally it's a nice relaxing, yet entertaining and informative read.

    ***** (5 stars!)


  3. Rory Stafford - It Took S***Stirrer Five Months To Reach The Awareness That His Rudeness & Sleeze Would Never See Publication On S/H's Blog.

    It Will Probably Take At Least That Lenght Of Time For You To Understand That 'Under-Class Views' Are Not Welcomed; That Your Judgement Is Hopelessly Flawed, And Sendly Lady-Moonlight To Speak In Your Behalf Is A Useless Ploy.

    So, you really should re-evaluate your position,

    GO PLAY with similar sleaze-balls at PorkiePas,

    GO KISS-UP To Mohamed Fadly's 1400 Yr Old Kill-Kulture...Then Submit Your Gutless Life To Islam Until You "Feel Total Submission", Pay The Jisya Tax, Then Ask Moonlite To Join You In
    Gloryland's Dhimminitude.
    Finally, Amillennialist is easier to spell, IF
    you use a Double "L" and "N".

    Adios! - reb

  4. Rory,

    Does that guy, S N want to beat you up? Wow!

    It's true, that I have interest in cultures other than my own. I would think that Islam is a part of many cultures.

    However, I am beginning to wonder if Islamist extremeism is more motivated by a political agenda, as opposed to a religious one.

    To get into dogma about religion is difficult, whereas political philosophy is somewhat laid out. Blaming a religion is an easy way to dismiss the person, in my opinion.

    I object to people accusing religious beliefs. This only opens hatred on all sides. It promotes a lack of spiritual belief, also, it seems.

  5. Moonlite,

    SNAKEHUNTERS is a prick. A bitter and confused old warmonger. Bet he LOVED the '60s. NOT!

    As for religion, well as you know I am a sincere if sometime severely tested Roman Catholic, BUT Islam and the Hebrew religion are our sister and brother religion. We are all people of the book we believe in the same God and many of the same prophets.

    I respect any sincere Jew or Muslim, they are our sisters and brothers in faith. Like all families we have our differences, but as we say here blood is thicker than water.

    Hope this makes some sense. I don't know what motivates Islamic or Jewish or Christian extremists, not LOVE any way and God is love.


