Friday, August 6, 2010

A story

I'm not sure if it's a fictional or a true story, however it gives a great lesson for our lives.

"Papa, look! It's a tree. Papa, look! A bird. Papa, look! A car! "
The father looks at his son and smiles, then turns his head to the amazed people around and smiles too.

"Is he lunatic?" A man whispers. Another woman looks with eyes full of sympathy. The rest of the people around the father and the son in the train were just looking amazed of the sentences of the son!!

Any ordinary person would give a hasty judgement and think of this 32 years old man as a lunatic or that he has some disability in the mind.

But when people around know that this man was blind for the 20 past years, and had just performed a successful surgery that brought the light back to his eyes, they will fully understand his great happiness and would even share him his feelings.

Lesson: Don't judge other people only from outer appearance. Slow down. Collect enough information. And finally form your personal perspectives about things around you.


  1. Rory & Ann,

    Missed you both so much.

    Hope you're fine.

    Best Regards,


  2. A STORY...of a man that was blind for 20 years,
    and then suddenly...he could see!
    Yes, I've know adults like this too. Even when you offer incontravertable evidence, the factual information is ignored. It's a human trait.

    A great lesson here.

    Some people choose to ignore the obvious; they believe what they want to believe, because their friends believe it, and they don't want to lose those valued friendships! - reb
    ___ ___

  3. Mohamed - In your 'Graphic Design' section, I saw one that 'moonlight-lady' liked; the one with
    the flowers. Perhaps you could create another...that promotes 'Peace'? - reb
    ___ ___

  4. Hi Mohamed,
    good to hear from you, I hope all is well,

  5. Howdy - Does anyone here have an opinion on this report from

    Confirmed: State Dept. Sending Ground Zero Mosque Imam Abul Rauf on Middle East Junket?

    (our tax dollars at work) - reb
    ___ ___

  6. Nice piece. The comic book story. I heard either the some story or one very similar when I was a young kid. I've always disliked parades since then.

    BTW, I'm very fortunate today. I have use of a computer for awhile. Ahhh.... The old days. When life for me meant a computer waiting for my lil' fingers.

    No I'm not crying. I'm happy that you guys are here.


  7. Moonlight Lady has another computer..wonderful!
    Now, for some creative Poetry?

    "peace"? Careful, gentle one; some will offer peace with a price tag. Ol' Beelzebub has many disguises, and will offer his 'peace' if you will just sell him your heart, mind & soul.*
    *Remember this: No one can take your integrity,
    without your permission. - reb

    ___ ___

  8. Reb-the-fascist,

    "Remember this: No one can take your integrity,
    without your permission. - reb

    What a stupid ignorant thing to say, so typical of Snake Fucker. With enough torture, you can make ppl say/do anything. Even in western supposedly civilized countries. US torture centers such as Abu Grab and Guantanamo spring to my mind.

    Changed your nappies lately?

  9. As I have said in the past, S/H really has never had it that bad. Obviously.

    Layers and layers of hate pass by
    Feelings of hope fill me.
    Oh wait. I missed a layer.

    Layers and layers of hate to peel away.
    It's okay.
    For trying, that's what it takes.

    just now

  10. Another lesson - Don't judge other people only from outer appearance. Slow down...collect enough
    information, and finally form your personal perspectives about things around you.
    ___ ___

  11. Rory,

    I'm good enough to live happily. Thank you.

    I heard recently about 150 Irish artists who decided to culturally boycott Israel protesting the way how Israel treat Palestinians.
    A big salute for every individual of those noble free Irish artists, and for all the Irish people, and for all free men in the world who fight against oppression.

  12. Ann,

    I'm glad it reminded you of something of your childhood. For many of us, childhood means a lot.
    Personally, I call childhood as; "The pure days."

  13. Ann,

    "As I have said in the past, S/H really has never had it that bad. Obviously."

    Lol, although I wonder how well off he is. I mean, he seems to have trouble getting enough money to buy fresh nappies. He even put an appeal on his racist fascist rag blog for a money collection/donation.

    I guess he must be desperate and the stentch in his undis really overwhelming.

    Hugs & kisses, honeybun. I'll give you a ring soon.

  14. Ann Klein - Keep falling for the pin-head's sweet-talk, and he'll soon have you spouting "facist" and "xenophobic" in harmony with Val-erie at the PorkiePas Blog.

    Isn't it time for a mature woman to become aware of these inane persuasions? Obviously, this guy's
    chronic dirty-mouth indicates that he's suffering with a serious alcoholic problem. Your poetic attempts can only serve to exacerbate his bitter malaise. - reb

  15. Another Lesson For Ann -

    This world is a dangerous place..always has been.

    IF you survive past 60, growing old is wonderful...and mandatory, and awareness is optional; and "growing up" is impossible for pimps & chronic drunks.

    Choose friends prudently. - reb
    ___ ___

  16. Snake Cunt,

    "Another Lesson For Ann"

    Lol, what a pompous fascist dick you are. Giving grown up women lessons now? Have you tried marketing this brilliant fascist concept, lol?

    "and he'll soon have you spouting "facist" and "xenophobic" in harmony with Val-erie at the PorkiePas Blog"

    The 3 words you're referring to are respectively spelled "fascist", "Valérie" and "Pourquoi Pas".

    Get a brain and a spell checker. Learn how to speak EN. Above all, please please please, change your nappies. The stench is just out of this world.

    In the meantime, Ann & I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor. I'll give her another ring later tonight so that we can laugh our heads off about your smelly fascist ass.

  17. Adult Women..that have an early history of being abused by a drunken father or a predatory boyfriend, then later by drug-peddlers & pimps, often become 'easy marks' for pin-heads like yourself.

    IF...Ann Klein still retains an independent spirit, she and other women like her, know precisely what a male predator is about, and a filthy mouth will soon become a crashing bore to them.

    IF Ann...would just contact Loop Garoo Kid..ask him what he thinks of your pin-headed friend, I know this guy; Tony will tell you the truth about
    this drunken, twisted mind...WhyNot? - reb
    ___ ___

  18. It's been over two years since "Loop Garoo" used my blog as a chat-room with 'Aunty Em'; I warned them to stay on the subject of the Post, be more concise, and finally deleted them both! Then Loop did it again, with Valerie of PorkyPas! (My blog, my rules, Pin-head.)

    Tony is a 'Hard Left' Lawyer from Denver, and I'm a Conservative, so we disagree on politics; but Tony has a sharp mind, has family values, and he respects women.

    He is always welcome to communicate with scholarly, intelligent people like No_Slappz & Amillinnialist..without interference from this old man, and I feel priviledged to host them all (including Tony) on my eMail Channel.


    Ann: For your own mental health, ignore this dull, boring pinhead; mistrust me, if you like.

    You Can Trust Tony S. to give you solid advice about this sicko pervert -- > "WhyNot". (If you don't have Tony's eMail Address, I can provide it).

    ___ ___

  19. Make Haste! Make Haste, And Saddle Yonder Braying Ass!
    Ann Klein: Be not concerned; it's only that foul-mouthed pin-head from PorkyPas, making a complete fool of himself again. - reb
    ___ ___

  20. The Pin-head asks "eMail Channel??? And what the **** is that? I'm an IT engineer, but I never heard of that gadget..." (Too bad you don't have a Bachelor's Degree in Common Sense.)

    Not that it matters much, but it's a special designation I've given for a group within S/H Links -- a half dozen special people: a lady blogger, a well-known federal prosecutor, a military analyst, a medical doctor, and a judeo-christian scholar, plus two personal friends, and recently, I've included TLGK in the very, very sleight hope that he might learn something of value...From Them!

    For your information, are either lying, or Loop Garoo is misleading you. I have in hand an eMail from Tony with today's date, It begins with my first name, then this proof-positive nonsense:

    "Your response exemplifies your inability to reason critically...(Tony drones on with four more pages of sarcastic drivel..ending with) "Keep dancing between the raindrops; try as you might, you are still all wet."

    Now, why would this Dingie-dong Lawyer From
    Denver waste 4 pages of his valued time, if I don't exist?

    Print this out, Pin-head -- In Your Next Trans-Atlantic Phone Call, Read It To Tony, the So-Slow
    Dufus from Denver! - reb
    ___ ___

  21. The Pin-head claims to be an IT Engineer...
    and it's a given he does have some high-tech knowledge of Computer Science; I've looked at
    the PorkPas blog, and technically it has a fine template, and evidence of other skills; so far,
    no problem.

    Technical skills are an asset; but how it's used
    is a totally different story, if we closely examine what we already know about this person:

    * Pin-head cannot endure without filth

    * He's a psychopathic predator of women; has no respect whatsoever, for anyone that reads his foul, stupid language

    * Tries to enlist laughter from any anyone, male or female, with a toilet-mouthed approach

    * Tries "hugs & kisses" on the ladies

    * Tries Trans-Atlantic regular phone-calls on TLGK and Moonlitetwine (now that's desperation,

    * Believes himself superior..On PorkPas, or here on BlogOfBlogs.

    * Finally, ridicule. When, after weeks of failed
    effort with the old snake-hunter, he turns on Mohamed, a BofB Contributor..attacking the positive illustration, comparing the Bee & Fly 'IGNORANT', Pin-head drones on with his own (Superior) scientific lesson of the evolution, and eating habits of the bee and that nasty fly. Whewee!

    Who Can Guess... what's really troubling this foolish person? Is it Booze? Hallucinogens? A vicious, abusing parent in his early years, a lover that kicked the hell out of him, or cheated
    on him, when she got tired of his crap, and then got an expensive legal judgement, in a court of law? There's a thousand possibles, but who has the time, or the energy - He's a nut-case!

    Mohamed Avoids This Jerk; So should the ladies!

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