Wednesday, August 25, 2010

B a b

A bee and a fly.. what is the main difference between them?

It's dignity.

Try to make a fly get away of your nose using your and, and do the same with a bee. What would happen?

The fly will fly away and even would return back to annoy you. But the case is completely different with the bee. It will quickly bite you that will cause its immediate death.

It's not so important for a fly if it was stirred by a hand or even chased to be killed. It will just run away. But it's a big insult against a bee's dignity just to be stirred by a hand. It will turn back, defend itself, attack, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, it will sacrifice its own life to protect its dignity.

So, what is the reason behind this great difference?

It's all about the place where they live in. The ordinary place of a fly is dirt, rubbish and horrible smelling stuff. But the ordinary place of a bee is gardens, flowers and wonderful smelling roses.

People aren't so different from this little comparison between flies and bees.

Be a bee, not a fly.


  1. Mohamed - Another illustrative story, much like the positive piece of the blind man that recovered his sight after 20 years in darkness.

    You've done well here, showing the positive aspects, and avoiding the negatives that we all encounter in people, in every society.

    Keep swatting those filthy flies! - reb
    ___ ___

  2. Mohamed,

    I'm afraid your cute little story is flawed on several issues. In fact it's close to be a pile of ignorant rubbish, sorry to say.

    1. The reason the fly goes away when your shoosh it away with your hand and the bee might attack you is simply because the fly has no weapon, whereas the bee has a formidable one - its sting.

    2. Your attempt at explaining the fly doesn't attack you because it is used to live in rubbish where as the reason why a bee will attack you is becaus it lives and flowers, is completely ridiculous and scientifically speaking, complete ignorant non-sense.

    3. Flies don't live just in rubbish. I don't suppose you consider your own human body "rubbish", right? And yet they will land on you. They will also land on the most deliciously prepared gourmet cuisine if you let them. Now I don't suppose you would call the cuisine of an internationally famous 5 star restaurant "rubbish", or do you?

    The reason is much more prosaic: flies will eat just about anything - they were made that way through evolution. Bees only feed on pollen from flowers - they too were made that way through evolution.

    Doesn't make the bee more noble or having more "dignity".

  3. Today, a Friend Sent This:

    The Self is the sun shining in the sky,
    The wind blowing in space; he is the fire
    At the alter and in the home the guest.
    He dwells in human beings, in gods, in truth,
    And in the vast firmament; he is the fish
    Born in water, the plant growing in earth,
    The river flowing down the mountain,
    For this Self is supreme!
    ___ ___

  4. WhyNot,

    First of all, thanks for your comment. You paid my attention to the fact that sometimes what is inside the heart cannot be easily said in words.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't disagree if you disliked my post, that's your own point of view, but I do disagree if you will tell bad words!

    In Arab world we say; "A pot will only spill what's inside it."
    The point is clear. If you have a good loving spirit inside yourself, you'll only tell good words.
    So, my little advice to you; Try to have a good spirit to be able to say only good words, even to those whom you disagree with or even to your enemies.

    Reviles and bad words will never make your point reach the other side. Only good words that are said with respect will make your point understood.

    "Nor can goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is better: Then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate!" Qur'an 41:34

  5. Mohamed,

    "bad words"? What bad words? "rubbish"? You used that worrd yourself in your article.

    I'll have to tell Moonlighttwine when I talk to her next. She'll have a good giggle.

  6. The Pin-Head Obviously Believes In Negativity, and that he has sufficiently suppressed the individual nature of another female victim!

    "I'll have to tell Moonlightwine when I talk to her. She'll have a good giggle."

    If The Lady THINKS what WhyNot Wants Her To Think, and giggles on command, then she is already under his absolute control.
    Question: Which is more persuasive here, positive or negative? - reb

  7. WhyNot,

    "Rubbish is rubbish!
    Your words are rubbish!"

    Is there a difference?

    Is there an insult?

    That's what I meant by "bad words".

    Best Regards,


  8. Mohamed,

    I suggest you perfect your English some before jumping to conclusions. In English, it is perfectly ok when discussing things to say "this is rubbish".

    If doesn't imply in anyway or form that the person you are talking to "is rubbish", or even "thinks or talks rubbish".

    On the other hand when a highyl respulsive fascist warmonger like Snake Hunter constantly repeats "pinhead" to someone, then I can guarantee you that THAT IS an insult.

    You should learn to recognize your allies and your enemies. Snake Hunter has dedicated his miserable life to hating Muslims and Arabs in general. If you check PP, you'll see that out of the many participants there (which include several Americans, 2 French, 3 Russians regularly), you will NEVER see anything anti-muslim or anti-Arab.

  9. Mohamed - You will notice that this "educated IT
    engineer" has consistantly used three techniques
    in nearly every paragraph in your last two posts. i.e. filthy language, name-calling and sarcastic ridicule. As you have pointed out, "A pot will spill only that which is inside it."


    Additionally, he claims that he regularly makes
    Trans-Atlantic phones to TLGK, and to Iowa to enlist support for whatever is boiling in that pot! Is anyone impressed? Mohamed is not, nor am I.

    Yep, I've met dirt-bags like this before; they look for fragile women to dominate & control; a man will recognise a punk (or a macho drunk) like this quickly; most aware women will too.

    This Guy is a 'Control Freak' and takes full advantage of Rory's Open-Forum Policy to spew
    his hatred and filth.

    Long ago, The LoopGarooKid tried to dominate
    S/Hunter blog with Aunty Em and later with Valerie from PP, so I warned, then deleted them. That was the end of the open-door welcome mat.
    Now they accuse me of censorship!

    The Pin-head is much like a cockroach; let one or two inside a nice home, and soon they'll be
    climbing the walls...controlling, dominating everything they touch, spilling out poison, and giggling about it, on the phone. - reb
    ___ ___

  10. Snake,

    Your level of reasoning is in par with that of a dead monkey. Very intertaining to read. BTW, have you changed your nappies yet?

    I talked to Ann yesterday. You became the topic of the conversation for only 5 minutes, but we laughed our heads off.

  11. It's the time to become silent.


  12. Mohamed - I disagree. It's a time to give the idiots at PorkyPas more amusement!

    Reality Check: Dated Sept 1st. The old snake-hunter has just published a fine Post with this
    title: "Moderate Muslims?" The laughing clowns
    can run it by Snopes & Hoax-busters. - reb
    ___ ___

  13. Mohamed,

    "Time to become silent"

    Really? Wow, amazing. You know, I ring Ann on average twice a week. Long distance France => USA.

    Mostly to talk about our respective private lives, since we have become such close friends, but also for the purpose of me filling her in with "Graycrowblogsofblogs" of which she is a publishing member, but to which she has no access since she doesn't have a working computer, nor even ADSL/cable.

    So, next time I talk to her, I'll be sure to fill her in with the latest comments here, YOURS in particular. She'll be most impressed, lol.

    You ought to take some lessons in learning what "freedom of speech" means.

    So long. Have fun with fascist racist anti-muslim Snake Hunter, LOL.

  14. Mohamed - These tags are mild when dealing with a "Pinhead" that consistently uses filth in nearly every paragraph, and "hugs, kisses & giggles" to lure females. "Porky" refers to his filth-blog that rational people like yourself wisely avoid. His Russian lady Stiletto (and WhyNot) hate 'Jews', and that's the obvious basis of promoting pretended great "love and admiration" for muslims. Actually, they only love "Self".

    Re-read ALL of the perverted comments in 'A Story' to help you recall his pathetic mind-set!

    Then read S/H September Post 'Moderate Muslims?'-- It's a critical fact-based analysis of people that claim a moderate position, that is refuted by Amillennialist, the Hindu Vijay, and myself.

    If Mohamed would like to present the Sunni alternate position, you will be treated fairly, and with proper dignity as a Shari'a advocate.

    There's a profound difference, don't you think?

    ___ ___

  15. Mohamed - Much like Rory, I reach out for valid opinions from democrat, republican, socialist &
    muslim. It's the American Version of 'freedom of speech and press', and I request that you give
    your opinion of Islam, Shari'a Law, 'Moderate Muslim' or the radical, violent Muslim like al Queda, your view of Shia or Sunni Imams, quotes from Holy Qur'an, etc. whatever you choose to publish. You have my promise..not to alter or delete anything that you believe will give Islam a fair and respectful viewing, in 700 words or less. Respectful and critical analysis is permissable, but I will not allow perverts or hate-mongers to corrupt S/H in any way, shape or form. You write it, I'll publish it, exactly as it's received. -- Your name remains in my Links, for those that wish to respond on your "Understanding Islam" blog.

    Cordially, reb
    ___ ___

  16. Snake Hunters,

    I've read the post on your blog.

    It starts by an introductory clause that promotes an obvious lie. And here you're my answer..

    The post starts; "Moderate Muslims? They are considered apostates by mainstream Muslims, .."

    Well, how they are considered apostates when they have millions of Muslim fans or are assigned the highest positions in Muslim religious institutions?!!!

    Let me give you an example:

    On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2009 you published my post named "Muslims & Christians .. "A Common Word"" on your own blog about a wonderful experience of cultural talk among Muslims and Christians. It was a conference at Georgetown university in Washington where Amr Khaled and Ali Gomma were the main Muslim talkers beside other Christian seniors.

    Who is Amr Khaled?
    He is the famous Muslim preacher who has a very wide fame among Muslims in Arab world. His programmes are watched by millions in Arab world. He makes every single year a new TV program of 30 episodes. He was ranked as the 13th most influencing person in the world by the American magazine, Time. DVD's and CD's of his TV shows and sound lectures are of the top sales.

    Who is Ali Gomaa?
    He is the grand Mufti of Egypt, which means that he occupies the highest levels among Muslim scholars in Egypt who are assigned to tell fatwas for Muslims concerning to their religion. It's a very important and sensitive position. Not everyone can occupy it.

    Well, why do you think I'm introducing all these information about these two persons?

    You said about these two persons at 12/07/2009 02:57:00 PM commenting on the same post: "What's this, a small glimmer of hope, from a Moderate Muslim?"

    And for me as a Muslim ordinary young man I believe that these two respected persons represent the true essence of Islam. Just like Moez Masoud, Mustafa Hosni, Tarek Al-Suwaidan, Muhammad Ghazali, and many other famous scholars. (Please google these names)

    If they considered by both of us as moderate Muslims, and one of them have millions of fans, and the second is on the head of one of most important religious institutions in the biggest Muslim country in the Arab world. THEN how can it be logical that .. they are considered apostates by mainstream Muslims?!!

    You have requested my opinion. I've given it to you.

    Republish it on your blog, ignore it, whatever, I don't care. But if you do care about truth, you must be so careful about all the lies told to you to wash your brain and make you fear Islam.



  17. Hello,

    Why Not and Mohamed, this position you have on the word rubbish. It's similar to a complaint I had on the word insane. I took great opposition to the use of the word, insane. You didn't.

    I explained the term, insane is not in public use, because it is offensive to those with emotional or mental illness. I further explained that the term insane is only used by the judicial system as a legal reference following certain criteria.

    I love ya, but if someone uses the term, rubbish, it too, sounds offensive, in my opinion. Really, rubbish sounds like a word used by two men who are in a heated debate. I believe it is also voiced fairly loudly, in order to become rude enough to intrude upon another's thought process.

    Am I following along well enough guys? Actually, I am borrowing a friend's computer right now and haven't completely reviewed all comments as well as the post extremely well.

    Hey Rory, where are you?

    Hello Mohamed. Glad you had time to take a break from the rest of the world and post-up here.

    Snake Hunter, I don't know what to add. I'm glad you are still on course here. I think you might be laying a lot of negativity down on us. Can we all get a big group hug?

    moonlitetwine {smiling}

  18. Dove of peace,

    Can I call you this way, moonlight? :)

    Your heart is full of love, mercy and kindness. No wonder you're a poet.

    Yes, I agree for the group hug. (Only over the web) :DDDDD

    Nice to see you here after a long time of absence. I hope you come back again soon after you get your computer repaired.

    Best Regards, & With all my best wishes,


  19. Mohamed - As a Lawyer, the evidence grows, and you turn your head, as the Muslim Crusade Infiltrates Europe and North America.

    On 9/11/01 there were 1200 Mosques in the U.S., now there are 1900, staffed by "moderate imams".

    The Hindu has 1400 yrs of experience with "moderate-muslim" my post
    "Continuum of Wars" -- Is it "hateful" to be Very Aware of Immigrants That Wish To Dominate Every Nation On Earth?

    Have I Ever Called Mohamed A Liar?

    A Loving Creator G-d would never have suicide-bombers, and stoners of young women, and head-choppers in his "paradise"..would He, Mohamed?

    The Only Religion That Permits & Glorifies Terror
    , and Rewards Terror With 72 Virgins..Is Islam!

    Allah's Apostle said: "I have become victorious with terror." - Bukhari, Vol 4, Book 52, 220

    The Invitation is Open in S/H 'Comment Section' for you to give us the complete details of these many "lies and brain-washing" 700 words or less. - reb

  20. Mohamed - Rory - Loop Garoo - MoonliteLady...

    IF each of you enjoy this discussion, and hope that it will continue on this 'higher-plain of enlightenment'..then I'll urge you to turn to a
    post by -- moonlitetwine -- "Serenity, Courage and Wisdom", December 19, 2009 - Then, read the Comments; no name-calling of "liar", no hatred, or accusations of "brain-washing", just a calm exchange of ideas! - reb
    ___ ___

  21. MOHAMED - On Sept 6th, you said that my Introductory was a Lie...and because Mohamed Prefers only Truth I thought that I should change
    it just a little bit, to...

    "Signs Of The Times" that really happened in London in May, 2006. There are now NINE pictures on display for our September Blog. I challenge anyone to find the hidden distortion, trickery, or That Really Big Lie. - I Am Not A Liar!

    I suggest, to people that enjoy name-calling...
    to print them, file these pictures away in a safe place, to remind them not call anyone a vile name, or a casual "revile" until they sweep
    and polish their own floors! - reb
    ___ ___

  22. Mohamed - I placed this comment on important Links today on the subject of 'Burning the Qur'an:

    CBS News Reports, Gainesville, Florida, Sept 8,

    There you have it folks, a goofy 'G-d Expert'
    places his banner-message on the front lawn of his tiny church (less that a 100 members) in Gainesville, Florida, then wanting more publicity puts it on - Twitter - to enflame the whole muslim world. Hallelujah!!!

    General David Petraeus calls the White House, Prez Obama calls the idiotic pastor and told him in plain language that his little ploy was endangering our people overseas.

    Obama: "Don't Burn The Koran!"


    ___ ___

  23. Hello Mohamed.

    I have now read the entry to this post.

    Today? I agree with wanting to become the bee. I wish to live and attempt beauty in the garden, learning all a garden can teach to me.

    Yes, I have been told only today, if a person is trying to harm me, it is my right go leave, consider the attack, then return again prepared to express my case: I am a person worth living in my garden of peace. Continue to try to harm my and my garden, but be prepared to be stung by me. I will may be die, but my garden of peace will be preserved into eternity. This is true, even if you have no sight for me nor the peace I leave and take with me at the same time.



  24. Mohamed - I have just read your Sept 14th Post...

    'Jihad Against Ignorance'

    These Are The True Muslim Views, that need full exposure, "specifically in the USA toward Islam."
    I would like to publish it, exactly as you have, on "Understanding Islam" - You have my word that it will be as you have it.. on your blog.
    Your written permission, please? - reb
    ___ ___

  25. Ann,

    Welcome back. I have missed you so much. I wish the problem with your computer is now completely fixed. Looking forward to reading a new post written by you very soon.

    You want to be a bee, and me too.

    Yes, you're a great kind person who deserve to live in peace. There are bad persons who won't let you live the way you want, but I'm certain you'll repel evil with what is better without letting down your right and your dignity.

    Peace Be With You,


  26. Snake Hunters,

    I don't have any objections on spreading awareness of the true fundamentals of Islamic religion.

    If you want to publish the post; "Jihad Against Ignorance (9-11 attacks)" I have only two conditions;

    a) Publish it as it is. (You said you will.)

    b) There are 4 links in the post (in conclusion part), please link them.

    If so, republish it as you like.


  27. Mohamed,

    Has Ramadan been a well-spring this year?

    I'm glad you've had time away from studies, etc, and have written to us.

    God Bless

  28. Ann,

    Many thanks for you for remembering to present your wishes about Ramadan.

    It was a different Ramadan this year as it came in the middle of the summer. We were fasting hot days this Ramadan. It is a good way to feel how thirsty and hungry people feel.

    I hoped I could do more worship and more charity, but hopes will not change he past.

    My time is really limited now, but not because of my studies, I've finished my 4 years study in law faculty, but I work now as a graphic designer. It's only for temporary, I'm planning to work in law field in a governmental job. May God give me a good chance to set justice in my community.

    Peace be with you

  29. Mohamed - My health is not good, and it's added
    pressure on my wife. I had hoped to publish your
    article 'Jihad Against Ignorance' but Signs of the Times & Geert Wilders article, plus local events here by some local "God Experts" put your
    post back on the shelf, perhaps permanently.

    If you read my 'comments section' you will understand; September has been one hell of a month for this old man.

    Best Regards, reb.
    ___ ___

  30. Snake Hunters,

    Is that the problem with your eyes again? If I knew your home address I would send you a postal card wishing you a speedy recovery, but as I don't know it so,

    "I wish you a speedy recovery, I wish you enjoy a long healthy life side by side with your wife and daughter and all those whom you love."

    No worries about publishing the article. Do it whenever you feel good, or never do it. It's your choice.

    With My Good Wishes,


  31. Mohamed - I've been quite busy in the month of October...

    My eyesight is 20/20 since the two operations.

    General health is slightly improved; having a challenging time with two local pastors, if you've read my blog.

    Question: Have you ever heard of a scholar named Martel Sobieskey? He's done 36 years of research in the field of "religious conditioning, and its relationship to warfare" - Fascinating material!

    On November 1st, I'll publish his article...'Islam's Invasion Ideology'.

    If you wish, you are welcome to comment; say anything you choose, and I'll be happy to publish it also.

    I intend to publish another, by the same author
    on December 1st.

    Highest Regards, reb
    ___ ___

  32. Mohamed,

    I would like to be a bee. But this just shows my vanity. Flys and Bees are both parts of God's cration, so are equally valid.

    A spiritual answer wouild be "I don't care if I am fly or a bee."

    I hope all is well with you. Happy Halloween.


    Hi sorry I have not been in touch, all is well here. It's raining a lot in the last week, but that is something new. We had lovely weather all year so far. yogi is a happy dog these days, I will post a picture as soon as I get a working camera! Happy halloween.


    I hope your health is good. As you may have noticed I have restored Snakehunters to my list of interesting blogs. Happy halloween.


  33. Snake Hunters,

    Nice to know that your health is improving. Days after you told me that you had problems with your health, I sent you a postal card on the address you published on your blog of SnakeHunters headquarter wishing you a speedy recovery, I don't know if you received it or not.

    About your invitation to comment on your blog, I've suspended commenting on your blog since you corrupted one comment of me on some lies told on your blog, you really distorted my comment.
    I'm ready to go back to commenting on your blog only if you promised to achieve two things:

    a) No distortion to my comments. Just publish them as they are sent to you.

    b) No limit on words.

    If you can achieve these demands, I'll happily come back to your blog to make my own Jihad ;) against the lies told about Islam.

    Can you?

  34. Mohamed - If or ever decide to Comment On Any S/H Post -- that you deem -- Honest or Dishonest, it will receive full and fair treatment! You have my solemn word on that.

    IF I Should Ever Fail To Stick To My Word, You
    Should Come Here To Blog Of Blogs, and You Would THEN HAVE A MORAL OBLIGATION TO EXPOSE MY

    Your culture, your experiences in life, and your training give you similar feelings. Negatives and Positives Are Everywhere, and YOUR MIND ALONE must try diligently to separate them!

    "Fix reason firmly in her seat, call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion...Question with Boldness..." - Thomas Jefferson

    It has been said: "The Devil Himself Is The Author Of Great Lies & Confusion" - reb
    ___ ___
