Friday, April 23, 2010

Opps, Texas Did It Again, singalong

American Civil Liberties Union:
Stop extremist takeover of textbooks

I agree with anyone saying that textbooks are a tool and not an all encompassing manual for a classroom teacher. But, when textbooks in the USA are riddled like an old coffee can after target practice at your Uncle Nelson's farm, it's time to reload and reposition.

I also agree, that ACLU was pretty lame during the Bush Administration and to an extent, still is. However, very capable men and women are successfully pressing the ACLU to oppose, "new ideologically-tainted standards for Texas' public school textbooks."

Let us be effective in this principled cause, this honorable, ageless cause for the right of children to learn the entire story of history.

As that old 1960's song by Brotherhood of Man says, "For united we stand, divided we fall. And if our backs are ever up against the wall, we'll be together you and I".


  1. Rory - You say that some "very capable men and women are successfully pressing the ACLU" - Is that just a wild assumption, or can you actually name one or two of these bold people that have the power to press this prominent lawyer's group? - reb

  2. Moonlight Lady - I never respond to any remark from the PP crowd; sleazy remarks would only nasty up your carpet, and the attempt to goad a person into a remark fails; it would only serve to trade insults - no valid point in that, is there?

    The depth of immaturity is often revealed by the spoken & written word.

    As to Lady Stiletto, I don't know this person,
    and have nothing negative to say about her; it's curious that she's willing to front for a guy that clearly doesn't wish to reveal his profile. I suppose that's Rory's affair, being this is a "free speech" blog.
    ___ ___

    Dear Gentle Moonlight Lady:

    To err is human
    To forgive devine
    I'll forgive your mistakes
    If you forgive mine. - reb

  3. Snake Hunters,

    Hey. I'll have to get back with you on that sites list you requested.

    Thank you for your response, though.

    Do you have an opinion on States Standards for K-12? Understand that once Standards are set, everyone involved relies on them.

  4. Lady Moonlight; thank you for asking.

    State Standards for K through 12 are indeed vital issues for this repubic, and its text books and implementation by ethical people that value our Constitution & Bill of Rights, and teaching the historic values and genius of the founding fathers, i.e. Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison & Monroe, are the essence of what we have shown to the rest of the world. Our innovative excellence, our inventive genius, and unparalleled freedoms are found nowhere else, and the people that cry for "fundamental change" are the unconscionable scoundrels & power-brokers that speak with a forked tongue (not guided by goodwill for other, the less fortunate people.) These are the "Great Pretenders!"

    The "huddled masses" come here in desperation, seeking refuge from oppression & persecution found in many places throughout the world.

    Freedom & Justice are rare commodities, and jealous dictators hate our uncommon liberties!

    For those that choose to nit-pick our imperfections, simply ask them to point to a better system of governance, anywhere!


  5. Moonlight Lady - It is a good idea to always have the (short) copy of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution handy; it speaks clearly of the need for a limited form of governmental reponsibility, without the all-inclusive "we know best attitude" of 'progressivism' that's reaching into every facet of our lives, and grants these people the near-total obscene power that they hope for today.

    If someone calls you a racist or a liar, hand them a M.L. King quote, where "they shall be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Tell them that you share in Dr. King's Dream!

    If you are a member of the Tea-Party Movement,
    tell your detractors that you "have the Anvil of Truth, and the Hammer of Non-violence!" and You Will Peacefully Assemble (hand them a copy of your 1st Amendment Privilege) to Protest Big Government Intrusion Into Your Family Life & Property, and that you Oppose Government Mandated Health Insurance, and the Fines that
    our officials plan to impose for non-compliance. "We the People" must control our government, not the opposite! - reb

  6. Moonlight Lady - Have you ever met or talked to
    a recently arrived person to the U.S. that emotionally hopes to become a U.S. citizen, or to one that has recently received citizenship papers? I have. It's a memorable day for them.

    Are you familiar with the name Alina Fernandez;
    she lives in Miami, Florida in the Cuban-American Community, and she in the daughter of Fidel Castro, the Communist Dictator. View her story of growing up in Cuba, with a photo of Alina & her father in this brief summary. It's quite different from Michael Moore's perspective.

  7. Say Moonlight Lady! Old folks tend to talk too much; where are your two other 'contributors' to this blog? Since my favorite subjects are religion & politics, I just rattle on. I think my friend Mohamed is right..maybe I should just "Shut Up!" and let somebody else respond.

    I'll be happy to see other views on what I've said; thanks for your tolerance. - reb

  8. I'm not a fan of the Tea Party Movement. I hope this group will not follow other conservative groups America has had, historically.

    From what I see, the Tea Party Movement is part of a larger undercurrent in America, the white power movement. I have no problem with a white power movement. It's a good thing.

    But just as The John Birch Society was active during the Anti-war movement, so too are anomalies of hate groups active in the Tea Party Movement.

    Engagement of backyard, over the fence conversations at a conventional rally? Sure. Elements of and members of hate groups active in the movement? Not good.

    It is total Klan-like mentality at the moment.

    I repeat what I have been writing for six years: Fair and equal justice for all. That is my outcry.

  9. Not sure how other contributors would react if they read about American insider politics. Things one does not hear on TV News.

    I know that Irish politics are very involved and require a lot of background reading. America is probably similar.

  10. Moonlight Lady -

    The John Birch Society; a flash-back to the days gone by. We had a joke about these folks..

    They sold wood-walled bathrooms; They promoted
    them through "The Birch-John Society!" Har-har.
    If you haven't heard of 'Conservative & Independent people' on Tv, you are missing a
    great Commentator, and he teaches real history
    that's rare indeed today. He teaches the American History of our Founding Fathers like Washington, Jefferson & Madison. Accurate things, like the Revolutionary War that gave us our Independence from Britain; solid things that American textbooks today rarely if ever will mention. His name is Glenn Beck.

    And he tells the unaware that all the other so-called "News Channels" avoid telling about the "Progressive Party" that has totally replaced the Old Democratic Party that my Dad & I belonged to for years. The first man I ever voted for was Harry Truman from Missouri, a real Democrat, before the AFL/CIO and Teamsters Union destroyed politics; they were Mafia controlled. Jimmy Hoffa was one, and his gangster pals killed him for being too independent! If you don't know about this, research it in Wikipedia. The MalStreamMedia wants to keep all of this under-the-table, so you must dig it up!

    Want Truth? Just Follow the Money!

    The new Progressivism is controlled by billionaire George Soros & Andrew Stern, the SEIU Boss, and Obama is their obedient servant. They spent a billion dollars to put this soft-spoken, nice-looking fellow in the Oval Office, believe it or not. If this upsets you, I'll apologize Ann, but you do like to look at both sides, don't you? I've been tracking these rascals for years. That's what the old snake-hunter does to help my country. I want to defend its greatness, not "fundamentally change it" into something radically different! Rory would describe it as the "Nanny State"...and who needs that?

    Where's Rory & Mohamed? - reb

  11. Moonlight Lady - Pardon me, but you cannot be must being joking; that ball was over the line, Out! -

    Then I'll guess; they are together on some cleverly conceived romp for a total Socialist non-violent takeover of Ireland, to establish Shari'a Law for the 12th Imam! A One-World Government Plot, hatched to put The Madhi Prophet In Charge of AHmAdInEjAd's Stash! ...Whewee!

    Please, say it ain't so, gentle lady. (And here I thought Mohamed was a pretty good fibber; he actually said that 'Jihad' only meant 'to struggle'..Hah!


  12. Hi folks,

    Sorry I havn't commented on this post, but the truth be told I am not really sure what it is about. That said I hope that schoolbooks are not "ideologically tainted".


  13. Rory,

    Ah com' on. Join in.


    Gotcha up to one point. Mohammed doesn't fib.

  14. Welcome back, Rory!

    Moonlight Lady - Much of this is just adult fun; some of it factual history. (I like provable facts and historical dates because it gives some credibility to our blog efforts.)

    As to my friend Mohamed, he sometimes refers to me as a Liar, and I say he's a "fibber" (that's a small falsehood). Well, I'll say this, and I'll repeat it anywhere, to anyone:

    I'll be true
    As long as you,
    And not a moment after!

    IF Rory or Mohamed disagrees with anything I've
    said on this post, I'm prepared to back it. I enjoy good discussion, even heated arguments on most subjects, until deteriorating ad- hominum attacks, with name-calling and hatred, and an inability to look at both side of a coin. (Then I'll walk out for a while, until things cool down.)

    As most know, I often take the agnostic or
    skeptical position, and therefore generate a
    lot of heat from people that Claim to know a great deal more about G-d and Creation.

    Hey! Nobody has an exclusive on Total Truth; I readily admit that I do not, but here's one quote from the bible that I do like; let's see if anyone else will comment on it:

    "Faith is the subject of things hoped for, the
    evidence of things unseen." Can you find it?

    If a person learns to analyze, to 'Think Out Of The Box' that they've learned as a child, this might be a better world for everyone!


  15. I had a minor incident today that prompted a visit to my attorney friend. On Jimmy's office wall was a small wooden plank; it said:

    "A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting there beside you saying.."Damn, that was fun!"


  16. Rory,

    Don't worry about it. There have been some new rules proposed in the State of Texas, USA. Being that Texas has so many students, a lot of folks up here in the Midwest believe many textbook companies here in the States will simply completely comply, making it difficult for, say Iowa, to teach our own Standards.

    In the Midwest, there are a great many religions, for example. To teach that there is no separation of Church and State will be difficult.

    What I mean is, I predict, as others would, there will be battles waged on this one point. After all, back when I was a youngster, there was great strength in promoting a separation between Church and State. If there is a cause to make the two one, it would go against basic beliefs of what the USA really is.

  17. Moonlight Lady - IF there is ever a serious effort to ban "Separation of Church & State" there would be a huge public reaction. Here's why:

    "The best and only security for religious liberty in any society is a multiplicity of religious sects. Where there is such a variety of sects, there cannot be a majority of any one sect to oppress and persecute the rest."

    James Madison - President, 1809 - 1817

  18. Snake Hunters,

    Nice Quote. Yes. This is exactly what I am saying in this entry

    In Iowa, we have a program called the Pillars of Character. The Pillars are taught in all Iowa public schools. Des Moines also has zero tolerance of violence. There is a program for this, too. Together these two are very effective.

    Perception is difficult for the casual observer, making public schools to progress through Iowa's ever changing ethnic population. So, James Madison's quote is as useful now as it was 200 years ago.

  19. Perception is difficult for the casual observer, making our public schools' progress during the past few years indiscernible, at worst, as we adapt to Iowa's ever changing ethnic population and our educational approach to such changes.

    So, James Madison's quote is as useful now as it was 200 years ago.

  20. Madison's quote falls on deaf ears in a nation
    where Allah's Law (Shari'a) Rules.

    This fundamental power is unchangeable.

    "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - reb

  21. Understand This, Gentle Lady:

    IF any society or nation minimizes, ignores or
    tends to appease the bully, then this brutal terrorist will come to believe that he has located his victim. He's a predator.

    Weakness thusly, encourages the violent aggressor.

    The Solution: Speak softly.."Peace Through Strength!" - If the bully attacks..Destroy Him!


  22. "IF any society or nation minimizes, ignores or
    tends to appease the bully, then this brutal terrorist will come to believe that he has located his victim. He's a predator."

    I understand this statement and agree as a traditional woman might.

    Snake Hunter,

    At the Home, Annie Wittenmeyer Children's Home, there was a particular infant who was withdrawn physically and emotionally. Passive fundamentally.

    However, the staff was on direct order to treat the child as though he was otherwise. It was said he would climb out of his crib unless a net was placed over the top. Only staff was allowed to handle him. No one but staff was permitted to even assist in bathing and stats. At nighttime he cried himself to sleep, and that was the only time the child let out a peep insofar as I knew.

    What would cause such radical orders for the care of one child? Was he a budding terrorist? Had the orders been placed because of hatred for him? Was society demanding passivity be punished? Did Iowa have deliberate methods of minimizing orphan expenses? May be simple ignorance gave way, and the child was placed on a "Do not hold" status that was never lifted.

    To this day, I have no idea as to why Holly, (Holly is his name) was such an unusual case. In following the quote you gave, Snake Hunter, it would follow that he was weak and therefore bullied. I've always felt he was. But why the hate? Why only one infant?

  23. Moonlight Lady - I'm delighted that we've reached a "meeting of the minds" on a least one issue. Allow me to expand it, while it is still a fresh subject:

    * I do not pretend to understand things that are beyond the reach of human intellect; I am skeptical of religious doctrines & dogmas, plus often quoted ancient "holy scripture" that tend to forceably mandate "change" to fit the restrictive political notions on any population anywhere, and this will generate illogical hatred in some people. That's sad.

    * When Popes, Grand Ayatollahs, Dictators, Kings or a U.S. President attempt to impose Absolute Rule over "We the People" in clear opposition to our long established U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights..I will spend my energy on this computer; it's my 1st Amendment Privilege; it's why I blog! - reb

  24. News Item:

    More state governors to join Arizona in declaring Washinton D.C. Guilty...

    of "Fornika-boobery"! - reb

  25. News Item 2: There's nothing to smile about in this report:

    IRAN, The U.N.'s newly appointed guardian of women's rights! Anyone else see the irony?

    In 2003, Libya's Moammar Qudaffi was appointed
    head of "Human Rights Commission".

    In Iran, they mete out 50 lashes to women with "immodest" behavior, bury a young girl to the waist and stone her to death for immoral conduct, provide a legal punishment for having a sun-tan, and shooting to death 17 yr old Nedia for publicly daring to protest!

    Other immodest women are also said to be responsible for causing earthquakes!!

    And Prez Obama believes he can "talk" to them, possibly arrange a 'Peace Agreement' before they get their nukes to "wipe Israel off the map" -- Any of the three contributors here wish to comment..or should I just go away?


  26. Rory & Mohamed - As you have seen, I will invite valid opinions and views that are often contrary to my own perspective. Your "free speech blog" is within the best traditions of our 3rd United States President.

    "Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existance of a God; because if there be one, He must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear. Your own reason is the only Oracle given you by heaven, and you are answerable..." - Thomas Jefferson

    Powerful words to live by! - reb

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Mohamed - Not just weird, sir. War is the ultimate horror.

    See our "Continuum of Wars" {post} for the early stages of jihad holy wars (where dates
    and victim nations are provided.)

    The "Muslim Crusades" for world domination began centuries before the Christian Crusades responded, thusly we have is ugly continuation.

    Your effort to point the finger of blame at the
    small Israeli population that has struggled merely to survive, is beyond the absurd.


  29. Mohamed - I keep repeating, and you just continue to ignore this simple fact: I enjoy and envy Rory's "freedom of speech" weblog.

    It's here where we can display our evidences and our differing perspectives.

    Example: If you would place a concise comment
    on snake hunters recent post (sharply in disagreement with 99% of its content, it might
    generate other comments, from other bloggers, making your "Understanding Islam" site a more
    interesting place to visit!

    Simply write, "I disagree with everything you say on this post!"...then see what happens; you might be surprised. The viewers could tap your name (in blue) and they are magically transported to Egypt, to Mohamed Fadly's Site!

    Everyone benefits from concise, intelligent discussion without the name-calling and those nasty little "reviles".


  30. Well, the folks here are a bit slow in responding to my offer, so I just posted a comment on S/H, hoping to create some new traffic for you folks. Mohamed's last good effort was "Good Belief, Bad Believers" but that was way back on Feb 6th!

    See our "Links-Page Comment" May 3rd. --perhaps it will help, maybe not.


  31. Still nothing to read here; so I'll just return to some 'Obama Quotes' in our Comment Section. Things are red hot nearly everywhere,
    with the nutty Pakistani Muslim Car-Bomb in Times Square New York. (It didn't ignite)

    I've got some good reading for Rory & Mohamed;
    you're not required to comment, dontcha know.


  32. What's happening here? Has Irish Socialism lost its voice; is the collapse of Socialism in Greece & Spain seeped into Irish Awareness?

    Where's Rory & Mohamed? - reb

  33. Man, I donno. I keep writing nice and pleasant stuff, but those two just aren't interested in writing here. Rory really didn't want to have thi blog anymore. That was awhile back.

    How's the campaigns down there going? I'm seething about the health care reform. Yeah, I know, "What health care reform?" I have so many stories about America's health care problems, people who can't get decent treatment and all. Dental coverage and dental care is still in the Dark Ages. It's shameful.

    Thanks for writing, Snake Hunters.
