Monday, March 8, 2010

New Flag

Click on image to enlarge

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. I made a new flag to hang over Free Wexford. I think it is astonishingly beautiful.


  1. I saw your flag flying in the NorthEast Sky last night!
    The photo is great, the blue field of the flag merges into the blue of the sky!

  2. Thanks Microdot,

    Yeah, the sky has been the perfect colour the last week or two, cheers me up everytime I see it.


  3. Great splash of blue! Please take it in by night to make it last longer. Have you noticed the 2 tricolours hanging outside the casino on South Main St? Disgrace to associate the national flag with an addiction. Out of respect they should take it in each evening but naturally they don't.
    Original flag of Labour! Well done

  4. Joe,

    I made it myself out of material bought locally, (Corry's).
    Yeah I take it in at night and I don't fly it on Sundays out of respect for others.
    Glad you like it, I have material to make two more at home, but it is time consuming without a sewing machine.

    We've got a home made Wexford IRSP banner too, I didn't make that though.


  5. joe,

    Yeah I saw that Casino flying the flags, pretty weird I thought.

    Sinn Fein seem to have disappeared, they used to fly the Tricolour and the Starry Plough. I seem to have the only political flag in the town centre these days. Sign of the times.


  6. White stars on blue background-very nice.
