Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Stickiest Situation Since Sticky the Stick Insect Got Stuck on Sticky Bun

This bitch is called Condoleezza Rice...

...and this is Sean Garland, back in the '60s when he was almost good looking...

...anyway, as one of her last acts as Secretary of State, Ms. Rice signed an extradition warrant against Sean. It seems that Mr. Garland was trying to bring down the US economy by distributing forged $100 bills that come out of North Korea.

Only thing is there is no hard evidence against Sean. Sean is 75 years old and suffers from diabetes and cancer. Sean is ex-president of the Worker's Party of Ireland. He is a true patriot who served several jail sentences for (official) IRA activities when it was neither profitable or popular. He has also been shot and seriously injured twice in the course of his eventful life.

This situation makes my blood boil. It brings out the inner sticky in me. Ms. Rice is a vindictive bitch and only signed the warrant to make life awkward for president Obama in his dealings with both Ireland and North Korea.

There is an on-line petition to the Irish government calling for the withdrawal of the extradition warrant that can be signed here.

Your support would be much appreciated.

(Thanks to Rowan Atkinson and the Black Adder crew for inspiration for the headline).


  1. Thanks Rory!

    I didn't even know this.

  2. Yeah Moonlite,
    I only found out a few days ago that this was still a live issue. I've been contacting my local Labor Party representatives. Some of them knew and had signed the petition, some did not know. I made sure that they all know now.
    That Bush and his minions were just pure evil.

  3. I'm still not understanding Irish politics too well. For example, why would folks in the Labor Party be concerned about the a leader in the Workers Party?

  4. Moonlite,

    Oh, well the Worker's Party of Ireland started life as Sinn Fein, the Worker's Party, the political wing of the Official IRA (now disbanded, there are 3 other IRAs out there but the Officials were the original).

    In the 1990's the Worker's Party split, the majority (always dubious in leftist circles) formed a new less extreme left-wing party Democratic Left, which later merged with the larger, more center left Labor Party.

    Many in the Labor Party including my close acquaintance and local councilor Davy Hynes (who was well aware of this situation) started their political careers in The Worker's Party. So Sean Garland is an ex-comrade of theirs and they should be concerned.

    There is no branch of the Worker's Party active in my area so I vote Labor as it is the closest alternative.


  5. Rory,

    Thanks. The background I read today on wiki. I didn't know about Democratic Left and its merging with the Labor Pary.

    Makes more sense now.

    One of my kids studied about the IRA with a group of friends. He was a young teen, and was interested in a part of my heritage, the Irish. But, he was especially interested in learning about the IRA, Sinn Fein and elements of America's gangs during the '80s and 90's.

    Believe it or not, he just started a criminal justice program at a nearby college.

  6. Moonlite,

    The various splits in the republican movement are quite complex, and I am no expert in the subject.
    The party known now as Sinn Fein was originally called Provisional Sinn Fein, they split from Sinn Fein the Worker's Party in the early 1970s. They were the political wing of the Provisional IRA that split from the Official IRA at the same time. The Provisionals did most of the fighting during the 'troubles' of the '70s, '80s and '90s.


  7. Yeah, I see what you mean. I didn't know the Provisionals had split from the Worker's Party.


  8. Great post. Your support is greatly appreciated.

    I would just add that the facts that there is no evidence, that an Irish socialist has no chance of a fair trial in the US, and that Garland is ill, means that this case should be of interest to anyone interested in justice.

  9. I garibaldy,

    I actually picked up the fact that this shit was still going on on your blog. It's one I read regularly.
    I got a petition sheet last weekend and got 15 signatures, just back from posting it off to the campaign.


  10. That's brilliant Rory. Fair play to you. It's exactly people like yourself who we need in the campaign.

  11. B.T.W I am an IRP, I come from planet if the irps.

