Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dog Days Full Moon

My dog is acting the gonk for the last 24 hours, I wondered why, then I saw the moon.

The entire blog-o-sphere has been acting the gonk recently too...I think whitey is getting to feel oppressed, some day in the non-existent future that white cop who bravely stood up to that arrogant college professor is going to be feted by the NAAWP (The National Association for the Advancement of White People) much the same way as that woman who sat in the front of the bus is celebrated by the NAACP.

Personally all I can think is that we are DOOMED, DOOMED!!!


  1. I think the black professor fell into summer dog days, too.

    I'm a writer. I been in trouble before. But, the similarities between the professor and me end there.

    I wonder if he was pepper sprayed for his act of non-guilt? He missed part of the experience.


  2. He's lucky he didn't get the full Rodney King experiance.

  3. Rory - I'm flattered that you would ever consider S/H as a valid link to your efforts!

    Religious Yearnings, in search of the great mysteries of life are a part of most cultures,
    and most are, for the most part, benign.

    We are far more concerned with the kill-culture
    that fly planes into buildings, commit "honor-killings", beheadings, amputations of hands & feet as punishment for minor crimes, genital mutilations of young girls, encourage their young toward martyrdom with promises of 72 virgins, etc

    As an old soldier (in my youth) I am mystified by a generation that Lives in Ignor-ance of the above atrocities, ignoring the rapid growth of Wahhabi Islam throughout Europe and in the United States.

    Saudi Arabian Oil Revenues Fund It, with Mosques, and an expanding C.A.I.R.
    So, this old guy blogs...until the next attack by Suicidal Islam; but few will hear this clarion call? Not very many, I would guess.

    Graycrow didn't even bother to mention the very exciting debate that is on-going between two opposing religious scholars, one a devoted, articulate muslim, the other, an outstanding scholar of "holyland studies"!

    If you really wish to understand this old world's dilemma, trust me. Spend a half-hour of sober inquiry > Please do tap into our "Memorial Parade" (post).

    Cordially, reb

  4. Reb,

    Thanks for your comment. To begin, I am a Catholic but not a fanatic. Most days I am an Atheist, but as the old saying goes, 'There are no Atheists in foxholes'.

    Anyway, I oppose religious extremism of ANY kind Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindoo, Pagan, Buddhist (if such a thing exists). As you know from history there have been more atrocities committed in God's name than any other.

    My major concern is that we as a species may self-destruct soon through either resource depletion, war or climate change.

    I find your blog interesting and informative and I respect the respect you give to your Muslim and Hindoo (and Catholic) commentators, but I must be honest and say that I find the overall tone dangerously sectarian because of it's anti-Islamic bias.

    We must never forget the lessons learned in the holocaust.



  5. Reb,

    Forgot to say I did tap into that Memorial Day Parade post, I liked the photo, but I could not stomach Amilleniest(?)'s rubbish, if he is what goes for a Christian then as a Christian I am embarrassed.

