Friday, August 7, 2009

Show and Tell #2 - Home Town

These are some pictures of my town, Wexford taken on this sunny August afternoon. Click on any image to enlarge it.

Above is the town from across the harbour. As you can see there are a lot of churches. The two tall ones that kind of book mark the town center are the twin catholic churches, in Rowe Street and Bride Street. They were built in the 1850's in a neo -gothic style. The large dark block in the center is the new Wexford Opera House, completed last year. I live very near this, which is pretty much the middle of the town, which is nice, I can walk everywhere, so I don't own a car.

The other three photos were taken from the balcony of the cafe high up in the Opera House, it gives a nice view of the town and the surrounding countryside.

Above, looking southeast from the opera house, out to sea.

Looking northeast from the opera house, the elegant spire is that of St. Iberius (Church of Ireland). It is the oldest church being used in Wexford and the only one situated on the main street. On the horizon you can see the estuary of the Slaney River which flows to the sea at Wexford.
Looking north from the opera house, my neighborhood. You can see the east gable of Rowe Street church. On the horizon you can see the Blackstairs mountains on the border of County Wexford and County Carlow.

I am not a mad churchgoer to be honest but they are interesting buildings and serve as good landmarks.

So that's our town, I like it.


  1. Rory, I don't think you're a bad guy; everyone has an occasional bad day; perhaps a bit confused at times about the moderate nature of "most" muslims.

    If One Billion Plus deluded believers accept the Prophet Muhammad's Rigid Discipline, the 21st century is in for some rough times when Iran Gets Nuclear Capability...and Lebanon's Hezbullah, Gaza Hamas & Pakistan's al Queda are the volunteer pack-mules.

    Getting drunk or high is hardly a solution.

    Freedom has always had a steep price, never easy. There have always been people willing to pay it in the name of Liberty & Justice.

    C.A.I.R. Leader Omar Abul (Saudi spokesman in the U.S.) made this striking public statement:

    "We are not in the United States to be equal to other religions, we are here to dominate!"
    (There's a 100,000 in Dearborne, Michigan).

    To minimize the suicide bombings in Spain, London & Mumbai, India, or 9/11 in NYC is foolhardy at best - Jew-baiting at its worst, ala Stiletto & WhyNot in Paris.

    Whatever you may think about Amillennialist is certainly your privilege; but that guy knows the Qur'an and Sharia Law with a depth of knowledge I have not seen elsewhere.

    I have sympathy for my friend Mohamed Fadly. He's simply over-matched against this remarkable religious scholar.

    Take the time to read the full debate; it's now public record, and pure Dyn-o-mite. reb

  2. Reb,

    Again sorry for my vulgar behavior last night, but you asked me to check out the debate so I did. I like what Mohamed is trying to do. I think he is a sincere young man trying to put across a difficult point of view in a foreign language.

    The other commentator amillienist I find hard to like. He is a mystic and while I have little enough time for all religions, including my own, I have no time for mystics who pretend to own some esoteric knowledge.

    He must be either Catholic or Orthodox which makes him closer to me in terms of faith than Mohamed.

    His use of the term YHWH is pompous and annoying. I believe in calling a spade a spade and so God is God. God (if he/she/it) exists will not strike me down for calling him (her/it) God instead of YHWH, and if I want to call my own concept of the higher power FUBAR no one on this planet can stop me.

    Like I keep saying I hate sectarianism and killing in God's name. I deplore Islamic suicide bombers as I deplore the Irish Republican misfits who killed 29 innocent people and an unborn child in the Omagh Bombing in 1998. I also deplore what Isreal did in Gaza at the start of this year, but that does NOT make me an anti-semite.

    Like I told you earlier, life is short and I do not have time to read a long winded religious debate when I am 90% athiest. I am more interested in politics and how we human beings can avoid total self destruction.

    Thanks as usual for your comment,



    I placed the following comment on the Blog SNAKEHUNTERS under the post War and Our Freedom
    I did it in the interests of fairness and LOVE



    You can publish this or not it is all the same to me as it is going on my blog, mohmads blog and amillieniests blog anyway.

    My Judgment on 'The Great Debate' on your 'Memorial Day Post'

    God is love.

    I counted the number of times each protagonist used the words;
    love, lovth, beloved or loved

    Muhamad used these words twice as often as amilleniest. The only other commentator, SNAKEHUNTERS, NEVER USED ANY OF THESE WORDS.

    As God is love, I give the debate to Mohamed.

    I also would like to know if AMillieniest loves Bin Laden.

    The ball is firmly in your court sir.


  4. Snake,

    You are a really nasty fascist pig, and when you talk about "freedom", it makes me laugh so hard because your blog is the most censored blog I have ever seen.

    You are a big hypocritic.

    "ala Stiletto & WhyNot in Paris."

    Neither do Stiletto nor Whynot live in Paris. Why don't you get your facts straight?

    You are not only a hypocrit, you are also a coward. If you have a problem with Stiletto and Whynot why don't you have the courage to face them?

    Unlike YOUR censored blog, there is no censorship on PP, so you can rant your fascist views without risk of being moderated.

    I realize my EN is not very good but I try my best. Maybe if you are not too stupid you could try the same with languages that are foreign to you: "ala" is spelled "à la", it's two words, not one. It's not a drama if you are too dumb to make "foreign accents", so if you like you could write it "a la".

    Greetings from Paris,
    PS: do not worry if you are too dumb to copy and paste my name, and have to call me Valerie instead of Valérie. I won't feel offended in the least.

  5. Thanks for your support Valerie, if I had a gun and I were in Knoxville I don't know if I would be responsible for my actions, Reb (SNAKEHUNTERS) is and evil, twisted old bastard.

  6. I agree, Valerie from Paris.

    Considering your obvious erudition, generosity of spirit, and unquestionable command of the facts, I don't see why Reb should have to moderate comments at all.

    (Since there appears to be a bit of a language barrier, let me point out to you: That was sarcasm.)

    How do you say "clueless" in French?

    "Valérie"? Did I get that right?

    Was my accent bon?

    Considering you're attacking someone defending Liberty, it seems unlikely you know what "fascist" even means.

    Though you should, since the French bend over for Fascism, don't they?

    Napoleon, Hitler, Socialism, and now, shari'a.

    You know, you used to have real men in that country of yours.

    Where have you gone, Charles Martel?

  7. Graycrow threatening an "old" man with gun violence.

    Speaking of "twisted" and "evil."

    Guess it's time to visit the FBI's tip page.

  8. And don't bother deleting your threat. I've already taken a screen capture.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. And the response I intended to post when I stumbled upon your suicidal hate-fest:

    Word frequency is the other god's best defense

    But DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, pay attention to what the words actually mean.

    In response to more Islamic apologia in the Comments here at ACM:


    I didn't realize it was you, Graycrow.

    So, "in the interests of fairness and LOVE," you libel the Son of God, defend doctrines from hell "sacralizing" blasphemy, genocide, murder, pedophilia, rape, slavery, vandalism, extortion, theft, and deceit, and defame Reb.

    You've gone from saying "Christianity is just as bad as Islam," to "Mohamed used a word twice as much, so he wins."

    That is not progress.

    You've got one problem:

    Jesus commanded, "Love your enemies."

    Muhammad commanded and practiced, "kill the idolaters wherever you find them."

    Jesus poured out His blood for the sins of all.

    Allah demands the blood of all who refuse to submit be poured out.

    Jesus died on a cross to give Heaven to all.

    Allah promises Paradise to all who kill for him.

    And you count words. Why would you do that?

    Such "analysis" is antithetical to truth.

    Using your criterion, since Mr. Fadly and I were discussing the commands of Allah and the example of Muhammad, his double use of the word "love" means that Mohamed was only half-as-truthful as I was.

    But then, this little exercise was not about me or Mohamed (it is dishonest of you to engage in ad hominem).

    This debate was about what Muhammad and his allah commanded and practiced as defined by Islam's "sacred" texts.

    Though how often a word is used means nothing apart from how that word is used, a search of Qur'an at The Compendium of Muslim Texts turns up 70 passages using the word "love."

    A search of the ESV turns up the word 552 times.

    Does that mean that YHWH is almost eight times more loving than than Allah?

    One God died for the sins of all.

    The other god requires that "unbelievers" die for him.

    The other god commands blasphemy against the God Who is love.

    The other god commands genocide, murder, pedophilia, rape, slavery, vandalism, extortion, theft, and deceit against all who refuse the "invitation" to its religion.

    Is that love?

    Devout Muslim terrorists say, "We love death."

    According to your "analysis," they're winners.

    Speaking of an "existential wasteland."

  11. Classy rebuttal, Rory Graycrow.

    I have an idea for really putting me in my place: Why don't you count the number of threats of murder here? Profanity? Sexual deviance?

    Whichever way you count it, it all adds up to: You're "the winner"!


  12. Amillennialist,

    Go home and beg YHWH for my total damnation. See where that gets you, you moron.

    I in the meantime shall ask my beloved deity FUBAR for some dinner for all the hungry people in the world.


  13. That's impressive, Rory Graycrow.

    Name-calling, bad theology, and malicious sarcasm all in one breath.

    Why do you hate hungry people?

    Seriously, Christ died for the sins of all to bring all to God.

    Jesus came to save the world -- you, me, Muhammad, Mohamed, Reb, Valerie -- not to condemn it.

    In Christ, your sins are forgiven.

  14. UrbanUnderclass,

    "Thanks for your support Valerie"

    It is my pleasure. I just dislike fascist pigs so much. Also, I like you.


    "And don't bother deleting your threat. I've already taken a screen capture."

    I think your brain is like the one in Snake's head. A viper brain. I think you and him should SNAKE HUNT your own tails.

    "Though you should, since the French bend over for Fascism, don't they?

    Napoleon, Hitler, Socialism, and now, shari'a.

    LOL, you're even more stupid than you are trying to be. It's funny how fascist pigs from America call us socialists one minute and fascist the next minute.

    I am not very educated but I have to say that I know more about European history than you do, because what you say clearly demonstrates you know NOTHING AT ALL.

    "And don't bother deleting your threat. I've already taken a screen capture."

    You're becoming more ridiculous in every statment you make.


    "Like PP, this is an open blog, we are all grown-ups here, so welcome and let me be the first to say Go fuck yourself,"


    Amillennialist, if you have testicles between your legs, like it seems Snake doesn't, come and challenge Stiletto and Whynot.

    But I am sure you are the same type of coward as Snake is, and don't even know the meaning of the word "courage".

    Again, sorry about my bad English, it is not my born language, but I do not too bad, at least on PP every one understands me.

    But if you prefer, we can talk in French and see how we go? Or if you prefer you can come to PP and talk in Russian with Stiletto and Kristina or in Chinese with Céline?

    If you don't know where to find them, here it is:

    But if you prefer to talk in English, this is fine, because at least half of the people on PP are Americans. So with a bit of luck you will understand them.

    Don't worry, coward, your comment won't be censored like every comment I have tried to make on your fascist pig coward friend Snake.

  15. Rory Graycrow,

    I just found your earlier comments to Reb. You treated him and me with civility then.

    I would like to respond to a few of your points:

    "He is a mystic . . . who pretend[s] to own some esoteric knowledge."

    If you had read my comments, you would have seen that I possess no "esoteric knowledge."

    Everything that I post from Islam's "sacred" texts is from . . . Islam's "sacred" texts. I provide specific citations.

    Any "infidel" with an ISP can read the same documents, commentary, and history for himself.

    (Islam is proud of all that, except when trying to deceive non-Muslims.)

    "He must be either Catholic or Orthodox"


    "His use of the term YHWH is pompous and annoying."

    It is not intended to be pompous. And it can only be annoying if clarity bothers you.

    YHWH is the name by which the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob revealed Himself to Israel. It is the name Christ claimed for Himself.

    Though some argue that all deities are really just the same god, that is not what those gods claim.

    (If your spouse claimed Dave, Tony, and Amir are "really just different names for the same husband," would that satisfy you? Especially if s/he's been "satisfying" Dave, Tony, and Amir?)

    Jesus is not Allah is not Krishna is not Artemis is not Puntianak.

    "I believe in calling a spade a spade"

    I so I.

    That is why I will not confuse the Son of God -- Who committed no sin, spoke only the truth, healed the sick, raised the dead, gave His life on a cross as a ransom for all people, and resurrected in victory over death itself -- with a blasphemous, genocidal, murdering, pedophilic, raping, enslaving, vandalizing, extorting, thieving deceiver, which is what Muhammad and his allah are.

    If Jesus says, "I AM the Son of God," and Muhammad says, "Whoever says Allah has a son is a blasphemer," how can they both possibly be "spades"? Or the same spade with different names? Or the same spade filtered through various people's own contradictory and mutually-exclusive "concepts"?

    "if I want to call my own concept of the higher power FUBAR"

    There you have it: It is "your" concept, not "God's."

    "I hate sectarianism and killing in God's name."

    So do I.

    "I deplore Islamic suicide bombers as I deplore the Irish Republican misfits . . . ."

    So do I.

    One of those two groups can point to specific commands from their deity in justification of their atrocities.

    One of those two groups can appeal to their "Ideal Man's" example, making their crimes "deity-pleasing."

    "I also deplore what Isreal did in Gaza . . . that does NOT make me an anti-semite."

    No, it does not.

    But claiming -- as do Mohamed Fadly and many propagandists for jihad -- that it is "the Jews' fault!" (I'm not saying that you believe that), is why the bloodshed continues.

    Israel is defending itself against jihad. As soon as the modern state was formed -- and several other times before the "Intifada," -- Israel's Muslim neighbors attacked it.

    That's why the "Palestinians" have been displaced for years (despite the fact that they are surrounded by their coreligionists).

    If Israel is as thirsty for Arab (actually, Muslim) blood as its antagonists claim, why have they not used their massive military advantage to wipe out the "Palestinians"?

    For a nation of Nobel prize winners and humanitarians (no one talks about that), they're pretty incompetent when it comes to genocide.

    "I do not have time to read a long winded religious debate"

    That explains the counting. :)

    What about "the interests of fairness"?

    "when I am 90% athiest."

    Then I appeal to the 10%.

    "I am more interested in politics and how we human beings can avoid total self destruction."

    Islam is politics. It is theocratic and fascist. It is totalitarian. It only accepts compromise temporarily, in order to reload.

    Telling the truth about the global jihad's Source and Sustenance -- the word of Allah and the words and deeds of Muhammad -- is where the defense of all that you value begins.

  16. So much for you calm and scenic views of your hometown.


  17. Valerie,

    You might be endangering the French reputation for charm and manners.

    "I think your brain is like the one in Snake's head."

    Thanks for the compliment.

    "you're even more stupid than you are trying to be."

    I'm pleased you see something good in me.

    "It's funny how fascist pigs from America call us socialists one minute and fascist the next minute . . . you know NOTHING AT ALL"

    Let's see . . . this might take me a while . . . it's hard to hit the right keys with these hooves . . . whoever makes these keyboards is suffering obviously from an acute case of Porcinophobia . . . there! Got it. Okay:

    "Nazism, officially . . . National Socialism . . . the National Socialist German Workers’ Party . . . dictatorial government . . . a form of fascism . . . used the term National Socialism to describe themselves . . . The Nazi Party . . . National Socialist Program . . . Among the key elements of Nazism were anti-parliamentarism . . . collectivism . . . totalitarianism and opposition to economic liberalism and political liberalism."

    Obviously, I was referring to France's very recent historical trend toward capitulation and appeasement in the face of totalitarianism.

    I was not implying that fascism and socialism are synonymous.

    As proof of this, you'll notice that I included Hitler and shari'a in my list of your nation's tyrants.

    To be consistent, you now must yell at me that I'm a "stupid pig American for calling Hitler a 'French Muslim'!"

    (Or is it that Napoleon was an Aryan imam with an addiction to fromage?)

    "You're becoming more ridiculous in every statment you make."

    A stranger implies murdering someone about whom he and you have just written hatefully, and I'm "ridiculous" for considering that a threat?

    ". . . Go fuck yourself . . . LOLLL"

    Big fan of auto-copulation, apparently.

    "come and challenge Stiletto and Whynot"

    To what, a name-calling contest?

    Is this the angry, foul-mouthed French version of, "My dad can beat up your dad"?

    Isn't trying to get someone else to fight for you a tacit admission that you feel yourself to be -- how do you say it in French -- a "stupid fascist pig coward"?

    You know where to find me. And I won't call you names.

    "[You] don't even know the meaning of the word 'courage'"

    Well, whatever it means, it isn't, "Call people names anonymously over the Internet and from across a large body of water," is it?

    "Again, sorry about my bad English, it is not my born language, but I do not too bad, at least on PP every one understands me."

    Valerie, you misunderstand. Your English is fine. You don't need to apologize for that.

    I was referring ironically only to your insulting Reb's French (your condescension toward "stupid fascist pig Americans" is unbecoming, and it doesn't help you win any arguments).

    Every time I've seen him he's been (almost too) polite. The only time I had seen your ideas expressed, it was full of rancor and epithets like those to which I am replying now.

    Since I do not speak French, if you want to continue to insult me -- and have me understand what you're saying so that I can be rightfully, deeply, and permanently ashamed, confused, wounded, and demoralized -- it'll have to be in English.

    "Don't worry, coward, your comment won't be censored like every comment I have tried to make on your fascist pig coward friend Snake."

    You're almost funny. Reminds me a bit of The Princess Bride. Have you seen that movie?

    In it, the hero Westley insults the tyrannical antagonist Prince Humperdinck by calling him, a "warthog-faced buffoon."

    When the prince replies by observing that no one has ever insulted him, the hero responds, concluding with, "It's possible, pig -- I might be bluffing -- it's conceivable, you miserable vomitous mass."

    Valerie, I'd like to engage in a respectful dialogue with you.

    Jesus died for your sins, too.

  18. snake huner and all the rest of the mean people writing comments on this entry:

    Did you happen to notice?

    This entry is a picture view of Wexford, someplace I have never been to. It is a very nice place for one reason: Rory lives there.

    There are many things to discuss.
    swine flu
    no hungry chilren nor adults
    natural disaster
    gang mentality
    attacks against manhood
    continued threats in the home
    downsizing income of the masses

    organic gardening at home
    planting of trees everywhere
    men and women who cook
    women and men who sew
    the meaning of atristic expression

    river beds and how they get there

    These are a few ideas.

    There are many more things, that our world is neglecting. Culture is disappearing, and this is the great threat. So, take a look at the above blog entry. Examine it from various perspectives. Opinionate on what you see, discover or questions you.

    Drink some tea and settle the fuck down!

  19. Amillennialist, (sorry if I don't spell properly, your name is very complicated)

    "You're almost funny. Reminds me a bit of The Princess Bride. Have you seen that movie?

    In it, the hero Westley insults the tyrannical antagonist Prince Humperdinck by calling him, a "warthog-faced buffoon."

    When the prince replies by observing that no one has ever insulted him, the hero responds, concluding with, "It's possible, pig -- I might be bluffing -- it's conceivable, you miserable vomitous mass."

    LOLLL, that was funny, thank you.

    "Valerie, I'd like to engage in a respectful dialogue with you."

    Well, you see, even if you think I use bad language, I don't. "fascist pig" is the worst bad language I use in English.

    But I don't mind at all other people using bad language. I don't find it offensive. I think it has its place because in real life people use it, and it's hypocrisy to say that we don't. The only reason I don't in EN is because I am afraid to sound really silly because using slang in a foreign language is much more difficult than ordinary language.

    But you see, also, bad language is so easy to make someone say "oh he or she uses bad language and that means we can't have a discussion". I don't agree with that at all. I think that there is much more horrible thoughts expressed that are not said in "bad language". There are things that I have read on blogs that make me shiver because they are so hatefull and mean, and yet there is not one word of bad language in them.

    One time, a man said to Stiletto "when are you going to do us a favor and die from all your venerial deseases?"

    I don't know what you think, but for me, this is one the ugliest things I have ever read in my life, and yet it does not contain any bad language, does it?

    So my home place where I live on the Internet blog world, PP, people use any language they want, and I don't mind at all, even if I never use their swear words myself. Many times, I find them funny and it helps me a little bit by bit to become better with the EN language.

    Bad language is part of life and REAL communication. If you cannot accept that some people will use swear words because it is the way they want to talk, then you are putting a mask on your face or more like shutters on your ears, and you are missing the REAL communication. Real communication means accepting ANY WAY other people want to talk.

    So, don't feel the need to be respectfull to me in a dialogue, you can if you want. But I don't care if your call me a "French cunt". If something I say makes you angry enough to say this, then it is ok with me.

    But I came here by accident because even if I have a blog "home" (which is not mine by the way, but where all my friends are - I don't even have a blog by the way), I also like to go around new blogs all the time to see what is being said everywhere.

    So, I mean, that I probably won't come back here for a while because I have so much more blogs to explore all the time and also see what is going on at PP. If you want to talk to me, you will find me there because I check on it nearly every day.

    I think you will find Stiletto a more interesting person than me. And even though that she is Russian and very young she speaks better English than me.

    "Jesus died for your sins, too."

    I am catholic, I think UrbanUnderclass is also, or religious of some kind. But I am a modern Christian of Europe, and I think that phrase you say is just mumbo jumbo like the bible is. I wasn't born when Jesus died 2000 years ago, so to say he died for my sins is just really silly mumbo jumbo for me.

  20. Amillennialist,

    I can not possibly respond to everything you wrote but there are a few things I would like to say, following yesterdays bloodletting I will try to keep my tone reasonably measured.

    I have a few simple points:

    1. I am not a biblical scholar, but I have read the four Gospels and nowhere in them do I remember Jesus calling God by the mane YHWH. I seem to remember him refering to God as The Father usually.

    2. What about honesty? On you blog you say your location is Istanbul (or as you rather quaintly call it, Constantinople). Yet I have reason to believe you are in California in the USA. Where are you really? You don't need to tell me you exact address, the country would suffice.

    3. Why can't you answer the simple question that Mohamed Fadly asked over and over again, "Do you love Bin Laden?"


  21. Valerie,

    Thanks again for your support, I have added Pourquoi Pas to my list of interesting blogs. It was not there before because I forgot the URL.

    My list is mainly blogs I like but I have SNAKEHUNTERS there so people can see how small minded and hateful some people can be.


    Don't get all sore now.
    In January in my post "Is this the Second Worst Blog in the World", I said that your nasty little blog (SNAKEHUNTERS) was the worst blog in the world. If you bothered to read my blog you would have known where I stood.

    Your blog is the worst because apart from your violent xenophobic warmongering ravings, which are bad enough in themselves but which are your opinions and you are entitled to them, the worst part is, a Valerie said you censor it and do not give the people you insult the right to reply. This makes the blog totally unbalanced and pretty boring too.

    This blog is open, anyone can say anything they like so feel free to reply if you have the guts.

  22. Valerie,

    It's not so much "bad language," it's the fairly-consistent hostility.

    And it's not "mumbo jumbo," it's historical fact: The Son of God became flesh, died for our sins, and rose from the dead to give us eternal life.

    Christ came to save the world, not condemn it.

    "world" includes you.

    Happy 'blog hopping,


  23. Amillennialist,

    How's life in Chino hills?

    You are not very good at answering questions are you?
    Do you love Bin Laden?
    Why do you pretend to live in Istanbul?

    The lovely Valerie is gone you might find her at the unspeakable french blog!
    You will find a link in the sidebar.
    I think you fancy her.


  24. Amillennialist,

    You wrote:
    Let's see . . . this might take me a while . . . it's hard to hit the right keys with these hooves . . . whoever makes these keyboards is suffering obviously from an acute case of Porcinophobia . . . there! Got it.

    Please stop showing us how stupid you are, it's just sad man.
    Pigs don't have hooves, the have trotters, look it up, it's not in any of your sacred texts though.

    To open your mind a bit, why not visit,

    This is where your new friend Valerie lives.

    Or just get your head out of your arse and get a life!


  25. Rory,

    There are a couple of comments I found pleasant to read.

    For example, I love the guy called, Bin Lauden. God endorses this love, so I have no problem with it.

    What I find interesting on this thread is, that commenters are revealing what they want to show to be themselves.

    I lived with someone accusing, postering degrading words to me and my children. I've seen first-hand the results of mean, degrading words as they thrive and even grow.

    In America, this deed is called emotional abuse. This emotional abuse is derailing the family. It is derailing the workplace, the church, the court system, law enforcement, homeless organizational delivery systems, to name a few.

    However, emotional abuse is very popular. So many responses. So many abusers who abuse on top of the first abuse. This is called battering. There is no escape from a batterer by using comments of rational thought.

    So, thank you, Reb and Amillennialist for demonstrating emotional abuse and battering to me, although I already know a lot about these two kinds of behavior.

  26. Thank you all for posting your views on this post; it provides a clear picture of the confusion & turmoil raging in the human heart.
    I appreciate this candor.

    Amillenialist - So, you think the S/H is 'too polite'! Well, you don't know me at all. I am often enraged, and get the urge to strike out with nasty, vulgar language such as we've witnessed here. However, the studied dicipline says 'control yourself'.... if you intend to provide an Informative Weblog. Insults & dirty
    language tends to diminish credibility!

    Moonlite - A rational voice. On August 8th you provided 17 wonderful & positive suggestions. I'd like to add a few to your discussion list:

    1) Respect For Women. Our culture here in the U.S. has abolished Slavery early on, that has been around since King Hammurabi; now we must get after that "macho-mentality" that abuses, batters, and destroys family life!

    2) Drug & Alcohol Abuse. The Beetles, Stones, Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead and Dr Tim O'Leary convinced gullible teens to "Tune in, Turn on, and Drop Out" in the 1960's. I lost two fine boys to dope during those years.

    3) Islam's "kill-culture" teaches humiliation and physical abuse for women & girls! They condone genital mutilation for girls, and Stonings with "Honor Killings" within the family, for minor "sexual sin"...Ugly!

    Now, these vital subjects require some research and awareness! All of us would benefit from turning away from crude insults & begin a more enlightened discussion of these three topics!

    Rory Stafford - You stoop to insults, threats & vulgarity. How utterly chilish. At my age I fear nothing; my life has been blessed with a loyal wife, and two great daughters. I have no fear of death, and I'll defend himself if I'm threatened, so...Can The Crappola!

    We have Jefferson's 1st and 2nd Amendment, that Ireland & Europe should adopt; Freedom of Religions has given us the paradigm for the greatest nation in human history, in only 230 Years! Think about that in your sober moments.


  27. Rory, This degree of mindless hatred has an undetermined origin. I too, had a full year of hard-liquor binge at 21, after the war. We did plenty of "celebrating" - we'd made it back alive! I almost died from alcoholic poisoning, so don't try to kid me, I've been there, done that crazy stuff.

    Reading the first two comments on this post, Rory "Graycrow" Stafford seemed rational...then
    you flipped out! There's the red-flag!

    Mr Fadly is a gentleman; I like him, respect him, and I don't give a toot what you think.

    Mohamed was born into a kill-culture muslim world, educated by The Muslim Brotherhood, and that's a serious handicap. He's an apologist. He's a moderate in a mad, violent & intolerant atmosphere. He's my friend, whether people like it or not! Nobody can dictate what, or who I should like! I'm too old to take anybody's crappola, Get it?

    Moonlite is welcome, you are not. Sober up!


  28. "Reaping the whirwind" is it? That recalls a fine movie title 'Inherit The Wind' w/ Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly. Well worth renting it!


  29. What is the whirlwind?

  30. Reb,

    You are really lowering the tone of this blog.


    How would you like it if I went on your blog and started using filthy language like that?


  31. Anyway Reb,

    (and this is about the last thing I have to say on this thread).

    I posted this blog entry called,
    Show and Tell #2 Home Town
    and I posted it for one simple reason, that being that my friends and anyone else who is interested could have a look at the town where I live.

    YOU were the first commentator and you were totally off topic from the get go.

    Then YOU and your cretinous bastard acolyte Ammenialist, or however the fuck he spells his name decided to start a Good ol' fashioned Medieval Crusade right here on our harmless little blog.

    I only hope your good friend Mohamed Fadly was not looking on, because although I like to think I am pretty liberal, I am embarrassed by the amount of xenophobic, sectarian bullshit that is scattered all over this thread.

    Good day to you sir,


  32. "trotters" is British.

    I'm not as intimately familiar with pig anatomy as you, Graycrow.

  33. Well,
    I was brought up on a pig farm, so I know a fair deal about pigs. Nice, intelligent animals they are,

  34. Oh,
    and I have to admit that I knew hooves was a valid word, I was just trying to wind you up as we say over here. But to be honest I think you may be a bit wound up all the time.

  35. Amillennialist,

    You wrote, "The other god commands blasphemy against the God Who is love."

    I will remind you:

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

    As a Christian, I live under grace, according to the New Testement. I also live under the first verse of the New Testement, as given above.

    I was not aware that Blog of Blogs was going through tough times because of misrepresentation of John 1:1, New Testement, The Bible.

    What I am telling is that all we write as words is of God. We must search the words of God. We must also study the word. Alignnment of a certain faith and putting other faiths as blasphamy is not true to John 1:1, in so far as we harm others for their different faith.

  36. Hmmm. Quite a bit of convoluted notions here.

    a) a pig is a intelligent animal, with split hooves? Ask the pig-farmer.

    b) Coaxing a visit to PorkyPas, to engage in an exchange of vulgar insults with Mud-stirrers?
    To what doth it profit the prudent man?

    c) Rory's false claim that he has I.D. of Amillennialist; some guy from the Chino Hills.

    d) Spelling Mr "A's" name is easy, folks - it's
    Two L's and Two N's. (Just put brain in gear.)

    Re-read the comments, Then You Decide...

    Scholarship....Or Foolishness? reb



  37. Rebbie,

    convoluted? Please, we ask our students to keep their words at three syllables or less.
