Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is this the second worst blog in the world?

This rotten pink blog Woman Honour Thyself really is horrible. So if you are sensitive, suffer from nervous disorders, a bad heart or epilepsy don't go there! Really, DO NOT GO THERE. You have been warned.

Here's the bitch that runs it:

Of course SNAKEHUNTERS is by far the worst blog I've seen so far!


  1. Wow!!!

    I jsut looked over snakehunter. What a big, huge change. I briefed it, but it seems like he is far to the right of the right wing. I'm surprised he supports Israel. It was kind of confusing. We spend x dollars there and x dollars elsewhere. So, we spend less on Israel? No. That is a bold face non-factoid. Not true. We are there biggest supporters. We spend more there, give them more aid than any other single country in the world. That is the fact.

    I agree about both sides needing to stop. But, I have found info that the US supported Hizbolla in order to stop Hamas. I can get the documents to prove it. I still say, that the US is helping in the bombing of Israel. The US does some pretty messed up stuff.

    I mean, all of a sudden Hamas hits targets with their pipe bombs made from old sewer pipes? Naw. They would have to be in Israel's backyard. Oh yeah. They are. Israel moved there.

    It's a mess.

    Hope the night was good to you and you have a hat full for each of you!!!

  2. hi moonlite

    I made very little money last night - few people about and it was so cold! usually when I start to play my hands warm up but not last night - I quit early and went to a club and watched a band - now i'm broke, oh well

    the whole isreal-palistine thing is a total mess - the best solution i saw being mooted was that they set up the state of isreal in kansas or somewhere else in the and give isreal back to the palestinians

    I have a sore head this morning! ouch

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hi ann,
    it's 5:30pm sunday now, even though i am broke and have to pay the rent tomorrow i have been slowly getting drunk all day. I've tried most drugs in my time but tend to stick to alcohol and cannabis/hash which is not legal here but the police turn a blind eye.

    I'm lucky, I live in a two bedroom house with my little dog, I used to have two dogs, but the neighbors complained so poor Viola had to go. The wall in my back yard is the old town wall built by vikings 1,000 years ago or so. I like my town, my ancestors (Norman Mercenaries) took it in 1169AD and we still have it. To us it is the promised land. It's a long story. We were asked by the celtic king of Leinster (the eastern province of Ireland) to come over and fuck up the vikings, which we did, in return we got South Wexford, and like I said, we are still here.

    I am pissed off by these wars in the middle east.
    Who is this God/Allah thing anyway? It's dumb. I'm a catholic and sometimes go to church, but I don't really believe in God. It is an excuse, it's bullshit. Why do all politicians claim to believe in God?

    I'm in a right bad mood.

  5. Yeah, I'm upset, too. I'm making entries and comments, then, deleting them. That helps me. It's like fishing all morning, then, finally catching a big one, then, throwing the fish back into the lake or river...or stream.

    Also, I went over to another site. It was really fun. I signed on as various men. Then, I made general off the cuff remarks. It was great fun. I think I must be baned from that site by now.

    I was President Clinton or Billy Bob. I was Jethro, like a hillbilly guy.

    But, back to reality. I'm job hunting today.

    Yeah. Religion can become really dumb sometimes. It can even misquote itself all over the place. It seems that President Jefferson had an unusual faith. I'd have to look him up to jog my memory. But, he caught a lot of flack over his faith.

    I have a migraine right now. Last night my roomie came by, and we watched Body of Lies from his computer. May be that's the reason for the headache. The screen is small and the resolution messes up if you don't tilt your head just the right way. But, it was a pretty good movie, anyway.

    Thanks for writing. I think it's good to hash this stuff around between ourselves. I enjoy your site and being some part of it. You are helping me feel better.

