Monday, May 31, 2010

Terrorism In International Waters

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed regret after at least nine people died when troops stormed ships trying to break the Gaza blockade.

But he said soldiers had been defending themselves after they were "clubbed, beaten andstabbed".

Pro-Palestinian campaigners say the soldiers opened fire unprovoked when they landed on the aid-carrying ships.

The six-ship convoy had set out to carry 10,000 tonnes of aid from Cyprus to Gaza, despite repeated Israeli warnings that it would not be allowed to reach the territory.

In a statement, Mr Netanyahu defended the Israeli operation, saying troops were attacked when they landed on the largest of the six ships in the flotilla.

"They were mobbed. They were clubbed, they were beaten, stabbed," he said.

Organisers of the convoy have strongly denied the Israeli account.

Arafat Shoukri, of the Free Gaza Movement (FGM) which helped organise the convoy, said those on board one ship had told them by telephone that Israeli helicopters had arrived.

"Then we started to hear screams, shouting, shooting everywhere," he said. "We heard some of them shouting 'We are raising the white flag, stop shooting at us'."

He said Israeli claims that activists had pistols and other weapons were "cheap propaganda".

Audrey Bomse, also of the FGM, told the BBC that the activists were "not going to pose any violent resistance".

Israel says it allows about 15,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid into Gaza every week.

But the UN says this is less than a quarter of what is needed.

Source: BBC News

Thinking for a while, I can say nothing but "This Is Terrorism!"

If we followed the story claimed by Israel we'll find out that the following is what happened;

-The 6 ships of "Freedom Convoy" headed to Gaza stripe to deliver 10,000 tonnes of aids to the people of Gaza.

- Before entering the territorial waters of Gaza stripe or these of Israel the Israeli marine and air forces stormed the ships of the convoy.

- As the Israeli commandos landed on the ships of the convoy from helicopters they were "beaten and stabbed."

- Israeli commandos "repelled" the attack by shooting randomly which caused approximately15 persons to die and wounding at least 30 of the members of the "Freedom Convoy", and wounding 10 Israeli commandos.

- Israeli marine forces escorted the 6 ships of the convoy into the port of Ashdod.

This is the story told by Israelis. If we analyzed this story, assuming that it's true, we'll find out the following;

a) The "Freedom Convoy" was delivering aids for Palestinians in Gaza, not weapons.

b) Israeli forces landed on the ships in international waters. This point is so essential. So, I'll focus on this point legally..

According to the 87th and 90th articles of the "United Nations Convention On The Law of The Sea" we can read the following:

"The high seas are open to all States, whether coastal or land-locked. .."

"Every State, whether coastal or land-locked, has the right to sail ships flying its flag on the high seas."

If we read the 89th article we'll find out a very important part..


According to these articles of the international convention we can easily realize that Israel has no right to question, investigate, search or stop these ships, as they were sailing in high seas. But what happened is exactly the contrary according to the narration of Israelis..

At the moment when Israeli troops landed on the ships they were out of the Israeli sovereignty. It was an illegal act, and is considered to be an apparent violation of the 89th article of the interntaional convention. This is called in international law rules as "Piracy". When the Israeli troops attacked the ships of the convoy they were exactly like any pirate who attack a ship in the sea. Israeli soldiers started the hostility just by their landing using their helicopters on the ships when they were in high seas.

What I imply is so clear..

If we assumed that the Israeli story is true, "Israeli combat airdrop over the ships WHEN THEY WERE IN INTERNATIONAL WATER , beating and stabbing by members of the convo, then shooting and killing over 10 members by Israeli soldiers", we will understand that what Israel did was a war crime and actual terrorism, and what was done by the honorable men and women on the ships of "Freedom Convoy" was the actual self-defense.

Now, all free men and women in this world must question all claims of Israeli intentions to make peace. Is that true that Israel really need peace? They are disrespecting all international law rules. They attack ships in high seas, they rig passports of other states to commit an assassination in another safe sountry, they kill children women and children, they attack hospitals and schools, they build settlements over the occupied Palestinian lands. Should we believe their lies anymore?


  1. Rory,

    So long since we last talked. :)

    Hope you're fine.

    I've read in the news that an Irish ship is on its way to Gaza. It was late so it couldn't catch the flotilla. Do you have any news about it?

  2. Snake Hunters,

    I guess you'll be keen to defending this Israeli war crime, just as usual.

    Unfortunately, I don't watch here your American news channels that brainwash minds and hearts. I would be glad if you offered here the justifications presented on American channels to justify this terrorism against those noblemen in high seas.

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  5. Sorry, but it was me, not Rory!! ;)

    I missed Rory so much. No contact through blogging or facebook. I hope to be able to contact him soon.

    The world is angry of what Israeli terrorists did. Unfortunately, America is continuing its full blind support to the terrorism of Israel. They postponed a powerful resolution in Security Council by using their Veto.

    I wonder what is told in American media to convince American people of this terrorism. Did they say that the members on the ships attacked first?

    If they said so then they're insulting the intelligence of American people. Israeli commandos landed on the ships when they were in the high seas, i.e no state has ANY SOVEREIGNTY on any ship sailing there. It is piracy, no other word can describe that hostility.

    My point is; IF that's true that men on the ships "shoot", "beaten", or even "killed" all Israeli soldiers who landed on their ships, then it's a legal self-defense against piracy and terrorism.

    Sorry for talking so much, but American media channels that are controlled by Zionist lobby are not telling everything.

  6. Hi Mohamed, Hi Ann,

    Thanks for the post Mohamed.

    Yeah there is an Irish ship heading for Gaza. I heard a crew member being interviewed today, he said the Israelis want them to go to an Israeli port for the cargo to be inspected, but they won't go there because a lot of the cargo is concrete which the Israelis don't allow into the Gaza Strip (they say Hamas will use it to build bunkers, the residents need it to repair all the buildings wrecked by the Israeli Defense Force last year).

    So there will be a showdown quite soon. The crew of the Irish ship say they will not attack any soldiers who try to board the ship. The Irish prime minister says that there will be trouble if the ship is interfered with. That just bluster though, there is nothing he can do.

    As far as I can see Israel will continue to flout international law as long as the United States refuses to condemn these actions and vetoes all sanctions in the United Nations.

    A very sad situation.


  7. Here in Egypt we have a saying;

    "You oppressor, why you're exceeding all the limits? He answered: I didn't find anybody who tried to repel me."

    That's exactly what Israel is doing. It feels that it's over all international and human laws. No respected state did an actual action but condemnation!!

    Israeli actions keep making me believe that;
    a) Israel do not want peace.
    b) Israel is a terrorist state.
    c) No solution for Arab-Israeli conflict but the only language that Israel can understand .. armed power. Does this make me a terrorist?

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  11. Ann, Mahomed,

    Personally I don't see an easy solution to this problem.

    Israel is not going anywhere and a military solution like Mahomed calls for would bring disaster to the region. Israel has lots of weapons including neuclear and is certainly willing to use them.

    However I can in no way see Israel attacking the USA. It is too far away and not a threath to Israeli security.


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  13. The only thing new here for quite a while is Elmer Fudd hoping for a shot at that damn wabbit (thanks moonlight).

    If anyone on this post really wants a bit more
    action, they should visit my Links-Page, where really interesting articles and comments are always plentiful. Try 'Right Truth' or Sir no-slappz; they'll fill your days & boring evenings with world events happening now!

    On May 31, my friend Mohamed asked if the Snake Hunter was going to defend war crimes! Hell no. Why would anyone do that? War is the ultimate crime, but Mohamed already knows that.

    He's an expert on war crimes; he's well equipped to defend 1400 years of holy jihad wars against pagans, heathens, and those evil non-believers, and Mohamed does it with great skill. It's Mohamed's favorite subject on his own blog, and now here on BlogOfBlogs.

    The Jews are "little satan"..always committing crimes against innocent women & little kids; and, that bad old U.S.A. is "big satan"...and never a word about IRAN, or their Madhi Prophet, or their peace-loving Grand Ayatollah.


    It's just what I've said before, "nothing new here for a long, long time. - It's 2:30 AM, Eastern, time for a jigger of Apricot Brandy,
    then it's off to bed. Goodnite all. - reb

  14. Rory & Ann,

    When I said that the only solution for Arab-Israeli conflict is war, I was talking about the intentions of Israelis..

    Thinking of it, using the most minor minds, if someone wants peace he'll reveal something that proves it. If we reviewed Israeli procedures we'll realize that they do not want to achieve peace...

    >>They say that are ready to negotiate with Palestinians, the next day they give the orders to build settlements (over the same lands they will negotiate about!!!!!!

    >>They claim that they respect Palestinians, but they kill more than 1300 innocents to free ONE Israeli SOLDIER!!!!!!

    >>They say; "We need peace, we really need peace", but they seize Muslim and Christian holy places (al-Haram al-Ibahimi)!!!!!!

    >>They don't just stop aids to Gaza, but they kill those who think of giving aids to the Palestinians. (And the reason for this violence is understood.. To terrorize all future aid ships)

    >>And another essential reason why we think that Israel do not want peace..
    Israel don't respect International & Human laws:
    a) Gaza's blockade,
    B) Gaza's attack in 2008,
    c) Lebanon's attack "for freeing 2 Israeli soldiers",
    d) attacking ships and kidnapping people in high seas,
    e) building settlements over the occupied lands lands after 1967 (Palestinian resistance declared that they will stop fighting if Israel left occupied lands after 1967),
    f) turning Palestinian cities into Jewish places (which is clearly against Balfour declaration and United Nations 181 resolution),
    e) the use of internationally banned weapons against civilians (DIME bombs, Phosphorus bombs)

    ... and the list if full of many images of Israeli violation of international laws.

    So, my point is..

    if Israel doesn't respect laws and feel that it's over all laws, Will we trust any negotiations with it? Will we trust any pledge it offers?

    I don't think so.

    For all that, peaceful solution is not an option. On the other hand, "un"solving the conflict means that it will keep as it's. The sufferance of Palestinians will continue, the power of Israel will increase, more lands will be occupied. So, leaving the problem unsolved is a problem itself.

    So, there is only one way.. War!!

    Yes, it's bad, and will result to catastrophic situation. No one likes wars, but when tongues stop moving, military forces will move. When an oppressor continue to oppress, nothing will stop him but forcing him to stop.

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  16. Rory & Mohamed,

    I've waited patiently for Mohamed to answer my June 4th comment, and rec'd, I'll add another one:

    I Challenge honestly compare the 200 year "Holy Christian Crusades" with the 1400 year old (on-going) "Holy Jihad Muslim Crusades" against dozens of non-believing innocent nations that stubbornly refuse to be dominated & oppressed by ancient Sharia Law.

    reb -

  17. Rory,

    After rethinking about it..
    No, disasters will not happen "if war broke out". A disaster is already going on this small piece of land. Palestinians inside the blockaded Gaza are not allowed to go outside or inside Gaza freely, only few of their vital needs are permitted (less than quarter of their needs), industry and agriculture are facing serious situation, education too is facing hard obstacles.

    I'm talking about a 4 years siege!!

    What are the expected consequences of locking a human for years?!!

    What about locking more than 1.5 Million person in a big prison?


    An explosion is ready to blow up very soon if this siege didn't immediately and permanently ended. Those who grow up under the sufferance and oppression of the 4 years blockade will turn into violent persons if they didn't witness a real action to end the oppression.

    Rory, a disaster will happen if this siege wasn't ended, by all possible means.



  18. Rory - Yes, the blockading of those Muslim ships embarking from Turkish Ports with food, medicine and weapons could be a problem. If those ship captains would just submit to an Isreali Inspection Team they would be cleared quickly by IDF. Those Hamas Rockets fired at Isreali border towns are shipped into Gaza from
    somewhere, thus the necessary inspections are required procedure.

    War disasters begin with Leadership; and these
    clowns cry "Peace" as they prepare for War! If tiny Israel ever submits to gestures of peace, they know that Ahmadinejad will fulfill his very public promise to "Wipe them off the map."

    That's the ugly face of reality..Mohamed!


  19. Mohamed - Check this out.

    An 89 yr old woman journalist/columnist at an Obama Press Meeting..On National TV..hatefully said: "The Jews should leave Palestine...go back to Poland & Germany...!"

    Helen Thomas is an example of the 'Big Lie'..

    How many times have we heard "The Jews Totally Control The American Media" - Such Rubbish! This woman hate-merchant says whatever is on her mind; and her words are instantly reported on all Radio * TV's a First Amendment Privilege, guaranteed by our unique Law; read it, if you ever have the time.

    We Americans understand it; it's called Freedom of Speech & Press. - reb

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  22. Ann,

    I do care if Israel stretches its "undefined" borders. Actually they have the dream of making their "holy kingdom" from Euphrates to the Nile, and they are working for making it happen. Muslims and Arabs will work for making this do not happen.

    (If Canada stretched its borders to the south, would you care?!!)


    About the Israeli hijacking of the freedom flotilla from high seas, here you're few of what is not shown -at least as I expect- on American Media..

    First, please watch this video:



    a) No video was released by Israeli government to show the alleged weapons that was allegedly used against Israeli commandos who landed on the ships. Why?
    Because these weapons are the normal "weapons" that would exist on any normal civilian ship i.e. hosepipes and wooden sticks!!!

    b) Israeli government DID NOT release any video showing the alleged weapons "smuggled" to Gaza.

    c) Israeli troops landed on the ships in the high seas, where no legal country has any sovereignty over it. An act that is classified as piracy and war crime, and subsequently it justifies FULL RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE.

    d) Many videos were recorded by freedom flotilla passengers, but Israeli army destroyed most of these recordings. Only very few survived.

    e) I watched today on Al-Jazeera a short video recorded by an Algerian passenger which shows Muslims praying Al-Fajer prayer (minutes before the attack), and one of the Christian priests praying with them. These ships were carrying honorable persons from all religions and races. They have a noble humane target.

    Finally, an American citizen was murdered by Israeli army there. I wonder what would American government do?
    Ask for a reparation amount, or an apology?!! Israel refuse even to accept an international investigation!! Would American government just swallow this?

  23. Almost 1 AM here; got time for this quickie:

    Libya's Moanmmar Gaddafi said:

    "We await the day when Turkey joins the European serve as a Trojan horse;
    God did not create a Europe for Europeans only!" (From Firas Press, Google Translation - June 8th.)

    Such honesty from GaDaffyDuck is so refreshing,
    coming from another loony, hard-core Muslim.


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  25. Snake Hunter Responds to Lady Moonlite's Odd Comment:

    It's all a matter of who you choose to believe, and which clear evidence you decide to totally ignore - Example:

    Reuters News was caught red-handed cropping a photo of one terrorist with a knife in hand, and on the deck, blood flowing from an Israeli Commando; the first released photo had the same photo, minus the blood & knife!

    The lesson? Don't trust Reuters News, or the judgement of people that often side with Muslim Holy Jihad, with the beheadings, mutilations, the cutting off of hands & feet from opposite sides, the stonings of muslim girls, the honor killings and FGM of infant girls, the muslim suicidal murders, and those fairy-tales of 72 rewarded virgins, AND 14 centuries of war to dominate heathens & non-believers...all are willing, even anxious to point the finger of blame... at tiny Israel!

    If there is ever to be a "devine retribution" for such behavior, it has been well deserved--

    Shame on you!


  26. Ann,

    There is something unique about your style of writing. I think you're inspired in your writings by the spirit of the poet inside you. :)

    The British newspaper, The Guardian, said that most of the martyrs have more than one bullet in their bodies. Some were shot from close distance.
    Plus, an Egyptian parliament member -who was abroad one of the ships- said that he has seen in front of his eyes, Israeli soldiers pointing their guns towards injured persons, then EXECUTED THEM!!

    These testimonies must be heard by an international investigation team. Israel says no! Why if they think they just practiced a "legal self-defense right"?!!!!!!!

    You said;
    "In the end of this occurrence is the statement, "Do not try to help those people, whom we control."

    I totally agree with you. Israel wants to terrorize any future aids to the Palestinians living in Gaza. To do so, they violently attacked the first flotilla and killed passengers. But brave and free people around the world didn't submit to that terrorism. "Freedom Flotilla 2" will be on its way within few weeks. More and more brave, free and honorable people will break this inhumane and illegal blockade.
    Governments of the world have proven they are incapable of doing real thing to Palestinians. But peoples are much more honorable of making victory against oppression.

  27. This was a provocation and it was meant to be!
    But that's what the Freedom Riders in Mississippi and Alabama were doing in the early 60's.
    They knew they were asking for trouble, but sometimes it takes the violence which we are numbed into accepting as normal, to affect someone else.
    When the 3 Freedom Riders were killed in Mississippi by the Ku Klux Klan...nice college kids from New York, that is what set America on fire. That's when the outrage really began.
    It was a provacative act for the Irish Ship to be naed the Rachel Corrie. That was the name of the young American activist who was deliberately run over by an Israeli Tank a few years ago protesting in Gaza.
    The Mississippi Freedom Summer was 45 years ago and the struggle still goes on, but the gains made by the provacative acts of brave outsiders caught the guts of America and the Civil Rights Act was passed and kicking and screaming, the SAouth was integrated.
    Now we are seeing Gaza Freedom Summer.

  28. Adolph Hitler sold the idea of a "final solution" for those Jews, to an educated population, and his Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels said, "The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly, and can never escape from it."

    Caveat emp.tor - reb

  29. On March 30, the 1800 ton "Linda" an Irish vessel, was purchased from salvage by the "Free Gaza Movement, refitted and renamed
    the Rachel Corrie, a "peace activist".

    Separated from the 'peace flotilla' at sea, she was intercepted by the Israeli navy on June 5th, diverted to the Port of Ashdod, where the cargo was inspected, then sent overland to Gaza...and that's the rest of the story. - reb

  30. Well, duh, yea, we know the rest of the story as reported in real media...
    Now we have to get your rehashed version of the American dumbed down short attention span spin...
    Thank you oh so ever so much...

  31. Each individual has personal responsibility to make an honest value-judgement; carefully consider the following quotes, then decide if they represent the rantings of a military madman spouting "satanic verses", or gentle piety:

    Allah's Apostle said: " I have been made victorious with terror." Bukhari, Book 52, 220

    "...strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies." Qur'an 8:60

    "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore, strike off their heads, and strike off every finger-tip of them." Qur'an 8:12

    An investigative website claims 109 scholarly translations, and aware citizens that think about their own, as well as family members, plus the plight of many nations already under suicidal assault -- Ignor.ance is unforgivable.

  32. For any individual that is a citizen of the United States, and chooses to focus on this nation's relatively minor imperfections rather than our incredible history of achievements in
    Peace, and in Times of War in the last 230 years, is simply unaware, by any measurable standards. To ignore..the gross violence that is, and has been, the world's most violent & active 'Kill-Culture' Ignorance Personified! - reb

    From: Global Research in International Affairs,
    Gloria Center

    June 9-10 - "Obama Meets Abbas: And Shows He Understands Neither Hamas Nor Israel, Neither the Middle East Nor Islamism." Item: BHO has announced an additional $440 million "for development" in Gaza. (That's Your Tax Money Folks!)

    The Snake Hunter believes that Barry Obama does understand Islam, and sympathizes with it.

    reb -

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  34. Moonlight lady - Let me assure you that I had no intention of denting your emotions to the point of needlessly attacking me; I am not worthy of your anger, or attention. On your incoherent statement (above) it seems to infer that I oppose the Civil Rights Act, 1964. That's simply not true..Compose yourself.

    To give you a clear view of who I am, and what I believe, I'll paraphrase a great black leader of that era:

    "I have a dream..that one day...a person will be judged..not by the color of skin..but by the content of his character." - Amen to that!

    Sooner than Martin L. King had imagined, this great nation elected a black man, with a Muslim background & middle name, and an obvious Marxist/Socialist theory, to a healthy 54% majority victory to be our president!

    Another "minor miscalculation" that could have
    some really serious consequences when we've been at war for 30 years. Remember Nov 4th, 1979, and the many insane Muslim attacks since our U.S. Embassy, in Tehran, when Jimmy Carter was our Commander-In-Chief? Or Kennedy/Johnson in Vietnam? Just more miscalculations, right?

    Liberals just don't do well when they are carrying the ball, am I correct?

    The fact that this fellow Obama had a pleasant demeanor & smile, had graduated from Harvard, and moved to Chicago...where he surrounded himself with unsavory thugs like Bill Ayers & Bernadine Dohrne, slum-lord Tony Resko and Reverand Jeremiah Wright (for 20 yrs) and made it to the Illinois State Senate, where he voted "present" 130 times without ever crafting any legislation, is past history, so
    forgetaboutit, right?

    He began to get the attention of billionaires like David Geffen, the Hollywood Music-man, and Penny Pritzger (Hyatt Hotel Heiress) and finally an introduction to the infamous political manipulator, Georgie Soros, and SEIU Union Boss Andrew Stern! Ah, Progressivism!!!

    In the 2008 Campaign, poor Hillary Clinton didn't have a chance..Money talks & B.S. walks!

    I'm not at all sure that Moonlitetwine has a clue to the above intricasies of U.S. Politics, but I do like those first eleven words in the Preamble, you really should have finished it.

    On those 'minor imperfections', at that moment I was thinking of our confused attitudes on Immigration. Since we have always been a goal for oppressed people, of immigrants, and were willing to accept the huddled masses from everywhere..into this great "melting pot", it's essential to have some very basic guiding principles, "in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility..." we must secure our southern borders; don't you agree?

    Soros wants "open borders"..imagine the chaos!

    I suggest that you read Soros book "The Bubble of American Supremacy" -- At Amazon, you can buy it for half the price of a pack of cigarettes; it's not exactly a best-seller today. --- It's after 1 AM Eastern; it's time for my apricot brandy.....Gdnite all. - reb

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  37. Moonlite Lady - A "catch phrase pointing to bigotry"??? - Good Grief, Ma'am!!! That's A Sour Note; Where do you get these notions?

    Bigotry? Could you be more specific?
    On those supplies: If you were paying attention, the supplies were inspected and shipped overland to Gaza without further incident.

    When I referred to "minor imperfections" that do pop up from time-to-time in any society, I was inviting a comparision with other long-establish cultures & political systems and LAWS Governing Conduct. Communism/Socialism,
    American-Progressivism, a'la George Soros?

    Perhaps you'd prefer Russia or China's harsh Rule, or being a female, maybe Muslim Sharia Country?

    Until you can point to a better nation, or system, or a better place to raise kids,
    I'd like to hear from someone else. Adios.

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