Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Crazy Idea

I am so tired of the wringing of hands and the doing of nothing about the continual strife on the subject of the Muslim religion, whether it is a worthy and justifiable way to believe. It's more tiresome the see and read about people being killed, maimed or wounded over territory and calling it religious vestage. It is the undercurrent surrounding the religious battle in the Mid East.

In fact, the hand wringing and toe stomping by the all goodly people has done nothing at all. To this day, one region, that of the Palestine Territory is putting to shame the entire Northwestern Quadrant of the Earth, excluding most of the oceans therein.

There are a few simple solutions that can be taken right away, those that will help Palestinians live more vibrantly.

  1. Don't even worry about a truce at this time.
  2. Accept that the Israeli Government will continue its pace at destroying any hope Palestine and the world has for an independent nation.
  3. Be prepared to do whatever is possible to see to it that Palestine prospers and at a rate that is sound: morally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
With these three precepts at hand, there are so many opportunities for Palestine to become successful.

I like to keep this simple. I have some fabulous notions. Many are unconventional. So is true of life, it seems.

Please comment if you feel so inclined, guests and blog co-authors or contributors.


  1. I'm sorry, Moonlite, but I think you had better explain to me how the first two parts of your program don't mke the third impossible.

    I've given up the notion that Israel can change from within after seeing how they are actively recruiting and resettling new "approved varieties of Jewish" emigres from all the over the world.

  2. I tend to agree with Microdot,

    I have come to the conclusion, especially after researching my 'Sayings of Moshe Dayan' post, that Israel will never allow a Palestinian state and that the objective has always been to drive the Arab population out of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

    Last year's vicious attack on the Strip and the refusal to allow rebuilding of basic infrastructure plus the relentless Jewish settlement of the West Bank can lead to no other conclusion.


  3. Exactly. However, these sickly comedic precepts control the dialog as well as the actions on the ground.

    Have you wondered as to how land loss is taking place with no genuine marriage of countries near nor far to lessen the loss or even regain some loss?

    It is a Lord of the Flies directive with no rescue.

  4. First Of All, focusing on a tiny sliver of land (Israel) is a huge error, when the seed problem began 1400 years ago, in the tribal fighting on the Arabian Desert. Just ask the Polytheistic Hindu!

    No one ever learns anything from history; and this is especially true of Islamic history.

    Therefore, innocent victims will continue to die around the planet for, perhaps a few more decades.

    When close, repetitive familiarity arrives in a greater percentage of nations, on a weekly (or daily) basis, and blood flows in the streets of their major cities, then the bold politicians will finally rise up in grand fashion, will publicly declare "we've had enough of it!"

    The last chapter of this idiotic behavior has only begun, leading eventually to serious contempt and revulsion of man's ignorance, then to the final solution...a totally destructive nuclear war.

    Alas Babylon, it's back to the Stone Age!


  5. I suppose I should explain the last line.

    Babylon, and King Hammurabi (1800 B.C.) gave civilization its first Written Law; nuclear war will prove man's "last chapter", where Law, & Enforcement Of Law...will have no meaning...Survival of Only the Fit, and those fleet of foot; so, run rascals! - reb ____________________________________________

  6. Reb,

    It's not really fair to blame Islam for war as such. Tribes of chimpanzees have their own wars over territory. War been going on as long as we have been around. The problem nowadays, as you alluded to is that we have reached the point where the total self-destruction of our species is a real possibility.

    Mankind needs to renounce war as a means of resolving disputes. Many countries have already done so, mine included.


  7. moonlite,

    I think that what you said is the best thing Palestinians should do so as not to lose hope. They must understand that both Israeli government and people are not willing to welcome a non-Jewish neighbor.

    Israelis are not just besieging Palestinians in Gaza, but they are building a 700 km's barrier that isolate Palestinians in West Bank and lock them behind the walls.

    I wonder, how someone claims that he wants peace with another person, when he builds a high barrier to isolate him, instead of trying to solve his problems with him!!

    Besieging half of the people, and isolating the other half. It's a big strike to all efforts of peace.

  8. After reading about Palestinian Terriories and its history, it seems Britons rule of the territory botched up this area. It had over extended its possiblity to adequately govern.

    More importantly, the region of Palestine was at one time a place of leprosy settlements. It was otherwise populated with (wandering) Bedoin Tribes.

    Less know is the US/Palestine connection. Palestine had agreed to allow US air bases.

  9. Mohamed,

    I had photos of the wall you mention on a former and not crashed hard drive. May be I'll search for the guy and ask for the pics again.

    Thanks for mentioning those two issues. I hope you like the humor of basketball between Israel and Palestine. I mean no harm by it. I'm glad I never had to play basketball by those rules. I can imagine my coaches supportive shrug when I asked her how to defend. *smiling*

  10. wait. the hard drive did crash. oops!

  11. Mohamed is always quick to avoid on-the-ground-reality, ever switching the blame back on the tiny & beleaguered sanctuary of 6 million Israeli, surrounded by 600 million Muslims!

    Mohamed wants the Israeli to "help him solve his problems, with him." ---Imagine it folks, 6 million people helping 600 million solve chronic, centuries-old unsolvable problems!

    That's silly, from any perspective. - reb

  12. Rory said, "mankind needs to renounce war"...
    Sure enough, Rory. Renounce the hell out of it;
    Let's all renounce war, and see if anyone is listening to that empty, inane phrase. - reb

  13. Reb,

    You old warmonger you, you remind me of that geezer sitting astride the atom bomb waving his cowboy hat and whooping at the end of Dr. Strangelove.


  14. It is true, according to text, that as Jewish Tribes moved onto Palestine Region, they were welcomed by those already living there. They lived, it is told, in harmony at one time.

  15. "Lived in Harmony For A While" as Arafat's Fatah engaged in a grim conflict with HAMAS?

    Are we on the same bloody court?

    "You cannot be serious; you must be joking!" said John McEnroe. Foul Ball. reb

  16. There Is Only One Course...for people that quickly jump to blame the Israeli...Convert!

    Or "pay the Jizya Tax, with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." -
    Qur'an 9:29


  17. Mr rebel,

    If that's true that the "600 Million Muslims" "hate" the "6 Million people", so why the "6 Million people" established their new "state" exactly in the middle of the "600 Million Muslims" who allegedly "hate" them?

    Did you choose to not answer the question for a reason or have you forgotten?

  18. Rory,

    Mankind needs to renounce war as a means of resolving disputes. Many countries have already done so, mine included.

    Yes. There are resolutions not involving war.

  19. Moonlite Lady -

    I Hereby Renounce War! I also renounce killing infidels & non-believers for their disbelief. I renounce the death penalty for apostates. I renounce beheadings and mutilations of women and little girls. I renounce, without equivocation, the carefully planned suicide-bombings, using young and gullible shahid martyrs, by promising them "heavenly rewards"; also the "cutting off the hands & feet from opposite sides" (see Qur'an 5:33)

    As to your first question, I did not say that 600 Million Middle-East Muslims Hate The Jews; I may have mentioned that they are members of an Ancient Kill-culture Cult that seeks to annihilate, to vanquish completely, or to..."wipe them off the map!"

    Why do you attempt to alter and/or distort my words? That's deception Ann, and I did not expect that from you. -

    Considering my total revulsion for all of the above atrocities, I am called an 'Islamophobe'!

    Why is that? - reb

  20. MoonLite Lady - Here's...


    The Old Snake Hunter highly recommends that you
    go to Mohamed's "Understanding Islam" blog to ask Mr Fadly 'About Women's Rights'


    Go Directly to the Holy Qur'an. The Best Source To Get 19 Chapter & Verse Quotes > > (without the added propaganda)

    http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Quran/ 010-women-worth-less.htm

    Enlightening! - reb
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  21. IF...Rory and Lady Moonlight are tired of the quotes, I'll redirect your attention to Haiti.

    See today's comment on the sad history of those dirt-poor, mostly illiterate Haitians. It's an interesting piece of information about their sad plight with "Papa Doc" Duvalier from 1957 until 1971. Whew!

    Stay alert & informed! - reb
    _ _ _

  22. Reb,

    Haiti must be the unluckiest country n the Western hemisphere, it is good to see the US doing what it can to help,


  23. This is the consistent history of the USA. If there's a catastrophic Hurricane, Tsunami or Earthquake anywhere in the world, the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Doctors Without Borders, and of course, Christian Missionaries are always among the First Responders! reb
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Oh, while I'm here...I just published a post today that you might find interesting...see >

    "Is A Nice Muslim a Good Muslim?" - reb
