Monday, February 23, 2009

My Long Emergency Starts Today

Re-reading James Howard Kunstler's book The Long Emergency in the light of the current economic meltdown has inspried me to blog on current events. I have been trying to inform people of the dangers of the Global Oil Production Peak for about a year now. When I talk to friends and colleges about it I usually get blank stares.

For those unfamiliar with Kunstler's work, you can check his Weblog at the link below:

I am really let down my how my government in Ireland is dealing with the economic problem. Limited cuts public spending and then splashing out much more taxpayers money than will be saved by the cuts bailing out a few banks(re-capitalising), and nationalizing a complete basket case of a financial institution called Anglo-Irish Bank.

Then there is a lot of waffle about creating a smart, green economy.

There is no effort being made to prepare us for life after the inevitable collapse of our economy. They have actually made cutbacks in public transport to save a few lousy million euro, while throwing billions at the banks.

The Irish economic situation pretty much mirrors the US economy, no credit, banks becoming insolvent, industry hemorrhaging jobs at an alarming rate. Everyone is blaming someone else and scapegoats are being vilified in the media. Nothing imaginative or creative is being tried and the country is borrowing at a rate that is not sustainable for even a few years.


  1. graycrow,

    nice piece. i'm still taking in government actions of the US. reading how it will affect the impoverished. i think there will be a crack down on entitlement programs.

    I hear that the Obama team is having a real tough time with the judicial branch. if we cannot get the police and courts under control, nothing much will change.

  2. Hi Graycrow!

    I just saw in the news yesterday, that here Des Moines we could be seeing a new public transit addition, a downtown tram. The idea was discussed and recently passed. There is new money for this plan, too.

    This is a positive effort. I hope the future will see more public transit options here in Iowa.
